PI Edit Product Update Entry - Error and Hold Codes overview
Use this page to identify the reasons a record was placed in hold or error status. .
This window shows a three-character error code, a code type of Hold or Error, and a description. If multiple fields have changed or are invalid, all are indicated. If the update code is changed by a user, it is indicated here with a "USR" code.
This tables lists the error and hold codes you may encounter:
Code | Error/Hold | Description |
USR | Error/Hold | Operator Changed Update |
PLI | Error | Product Line Invalid |
PCI | Error | Product Category Invalid |
PTI | Error | Price Type Invalid |
BP< | Error | Base Price < 0, Set to 0 |
LP< | Error | List Price < 0, Set To 0 |
RC< | Error | Replacement Cost < 0, Set to 0 |
SC< | Error | Standard Cost < 0, Set to 0 |
BP? | Error | Base Price=?, Set to 0 |
LP? | Error | List Price = ?, Set to 0 |
RC? | Error | Replacement Cost = ?, Set to 0 |
SC? | Error | Standard Cost = ?, Set to 0 |
STP | Hold | Default Setup in PI Price Cost Multiplier Setup |
UPC | Hold | UPC# Changed |
WGT | Hold | Weight Changed |
CUB | Hold | Cubes Changed |
DEl | Hold | Description 1 Changed |
DE2 | Hold | Description 2 Changed |
SUP | Hold | Supersede Changed |
PRL | Hold | Product Line Changed |
TRM | Hold | Terms Percent Changed |
MSF | Hold | MSDS Flag Changed |
MSS | Hold | MSS Sheet# Changed |
BPO | Hold | Base Price = 0 |
LPO | Hold | List Price = 0 |
RCO | Hold | Replacement Cost = 0 |
SCO | Hold | Standard Cost = 0 |
BP% | Hold | Base Price Beyond Limit % |
LP% | Hold | List Price Beyond Limit % |
RC% | Hold | Rep! Cost Beyond Limit% |
SC% | Hold | Stnd Cost Beyond Limit% |