PI Administrator Build from Product Files overview
Function acronym: PIAFB
Use this report to create a file from current Product entity records or from a previous import file. The records that are created can then be modified and updated like any other import file.
This function is similar to Price/Discounting Administrator Price/Costs Update. It differs in that it offers more ranges and options for selecting files. In addition, you actually create a new product update file from other records. After the product file is created, prices, costs, and other information can be changed. This function can be helpful if, for example, you anticipate a price increase for a specific product line. In that situation you could build the import file from the previous update file from this vendor. You would select only those records within the product line that were affected.
We recommend you use a different import type with price/cost multipliers set up specifically for re-importing. After you have built the new import file, you can edit it in PI Entry Edit Product Update File. The default value in PI Price Cost Multiplier Setup may be set to put the records in a hold state. That is, the Update field is set to Hold. If so, the hold code 'STP' is assigned. If building from a previous update file, and the original record was on hold, the original hold reasons are retained.
PI Administrator report functions (PIA Reports) should be performed by a designated System Administrator. Most functions should not be performed without first completing the prerequisite setup procedures. We recommend that you use your test company until you are completely familiar with these functions. Updating functions in your test company does not adversely affect your permanent files, with the exception of PI Import Definition Setup records. PI Import Definition Setup records are not specific to one company; any changes made to these records are viewed in all companies.