PD Import/Export National Program overview

Pricing and Discounting > Administration > PDA Reports > PDSI

Function acronym: PDSI

Use this batch program to import or export National Program data with ASCII CSV files. The data is imported into or exported from the PD Pricing Setup-National Program records.

Run this program through the Report Scheduler. The import/export file directory location must be accessible to Report Scheduler. Typically, CSV files are saved in the Print Directory defined in SA Company Setup. For CloudSuite Distribution, you must use SA File Transfer Administration to transfer the file before PD Import/Export National Program can reference the file.

Import mode

CSV files must include a first record [row] with column headers, followed by records [rows] with data. This table shows the specific sequence of the fields in the CSV file:
Field Notes
PDSNrecno PD Pricing Setup-National Program record # to uniquely identify existing record. Blank for new records.
Levelcd Level code 1 ā€“ 50 to describe the type of record
Statustype Statustype active or inactive
Vendor # Must be valid Vendor Setup number
Customer# Must be valid Customer Setup customer number; used on levelcd 1 through 7 and 30
ShipTo Optional. Must be valid Customer ShipTo Setup number; used on levelcd 1 through 7 and 30
Customer Master Group ID Must be valid SX.e Customer Master Group Setup group ID; used on levelcd 11 through 17 and 31
Customer Price Type Must be valid SA Table Code Value Setup customer price type; used on levelcd 21 through 27 and 32
Product Must be valid product in Product Setup or Product Catalog Setup; used on levelcd 1, 11, 21, and 41
Model Must be valid SA Table Code Value Setup-Model; used on levelcd 2, 12, 22, and 42
Brand Must be valid SA Table Code Value Setup-Brand code; used on levelcd 3, 13, 23 and 43
Product Category Must be valid SA Table Code Value Setup-Product Category; used on levelcd 4, 14, 24, and 44
Product Line Must be valid Product Line Setup product line for the Vendor; used on levelcd 5, 15, 25 and 45
Product Price Type Must be valid SA Table Code Value Setup-Product Price Type; used on levelcd 6, 16, 26 and 46
Product Rebate Type Must be valid SA Table Code Value Setup-Rebates (Product Type); used on levelcd 7, 17, 27 and 47
Product Rebate Sub Type Optional: Must be valid SA Table Code Value Setup-Rebates (Product Sub Type); used on levelcd 7, 17, 27 and 47
Warehouse Future use
Region Future use
Start Date Required
End Date Optional
NP Code Required: National Program Code
Descrip Optional: National Program description
Allow Return Flag (Y/N) Allow Returns flag. Assumes Yes, if not provided
Program Only Flag (Y/N) Must buy under National Program. Assumes Yes, if not provided
NP Comm Calc Type (A/P) A=amount; P=percent; Assumes ā€œPā€
NP Comm Based On Assumes base price, if not provided. b=base price, l=list price, lc=last cost, lf=last foreign, r=replacement, rf=repl foreign, s=standard
NP Comm Amt Assumes zero, if not provided
NP Comm Prod Must be valid Product Setup Labor product for commission line items
Slsrep Comm Type Optional. Must be valid Sales Commissions Setup, if existing
Seqno Optional Seq no for future use
During import mode, incoming data is validated. The first validation that fails causes the record to be skipped and an error message is displayed on a report. These are the validations performed:
  • Validate if the PDSN record number exists in the Distribution SX.e system. If the record exists, is option 5 set to Yes, the record is overwritten. If option is set to not overwrite, and the PDSN record number is provided, then an error is issued and no update takes place for that record. If the PDSN record number is blank, then a new record is created.
  • Validate the vendor number exists in Vendor Setup as an active vendor and the correct data is provided for the existing PDSN record number, if provided.
  • Validate the level code is a valid number 1 through 50. Some numbers are currently unassigned for future use and should generate an error.
  • Validate the level code is activated in new SA Administrator Options settings for National Program.
  • Validate the customer data provided in the Customer, ShipTo, Master Group and Customer price type fields are valid and the correct data is provided for the level code specified.
  • Validate that if a Ship To is provided, the SA Administrator Option to allow National Programs by Ship To/Job is selected.
  • Validate the Product data provided in the Product, Model, Brand, Product Category, Product Line, Product Price Type, Product Rebate Type and Product Rebate Sub Type are valid and the correct data is provided for the level code specified, and existing PDSN record number, if provided.
  • Validate the Commission Type calculation method, Based on, and amount, are valid data.
  • Validate the commission Claim Product is a valid Product Setup record with a status type of Labor.
  • Validate the Salesrep Commission Type, if provided, exists in Sales Commissions Setup.
If incoming data passes all validations, then National Program records are created or overwritten with data from the import file. Any validation errors are listed in this format:
Record/Row# Error Message
Import File Path: xxxxxxxxx0xxxxxxxxx0xxxxxxxxx0xxxxxxxxx0xxxxxxxxx0xxxxxxxxx0
Zzzzzzzz9   PDSNrecno does not exist
Zzzzzzzz9   Vendor not found in APSV
Zzzzzzzz9   Product Price Type not found in SASTT
Zzzzzzzz9   No Customer Master Group ID for levelcd 12 record
Zzzzzzzz9   No Product Price Type for levelcd 6 record
      Totals Records Read: zzz,zzz,zz9
      Records With Errors: zzz,zzz,zz9
      Records Created/Updated: zzz,zzz,zz9
      Records With Warnings: zzz,zzz,zz9

Export mode

A CSV file is created by the export process; a first record [row] with column headers, followed by records [rows] with data. The file must be sent to the email address specified in option 20, Email Export File To Email Address.

Select one or more ranges of national program data to export. Use the report options to identify the types of records to be selected based on the level code. Select Yes or No. Records set to Yes are exported. You can use the ranges in conjunction with the export level options.
  • Example: To export all records for a specific customer number, specify the customer number range, then set all of the export level options to Yes. This results in exporting levels 1 through 7 and 30 where the customer number is within the customer number range selected.
  • Example: To export all records for a specific product price type, specify the product price type in the range, then set the Product Price Type Levels option to Yes, and set the other level options to No. This results in exporting all type 7, 17, 27 and 47 records for the product price types selected in the range entered.
A report list is created by the export process showing how many records were exported. The report layout is shown in this table:
Export File Path #Record Written
xxxxxxxxx0xxxxxxxxx0xxxxxxxxx0xxxxxxxxx0xxxxxxxxx0xxxxxxxxx0 999,999,999