PD Quote Status Report overview
Function acronym: PDRQ
Use this report to print all active Customer Pricing quotes in PD Pricing Setup.
If the Type 1 quote record is inactive or the end date has been reached, the quote record is not included on the report.
Quotes cannot be entered directly in PD Pricing Setup. You can create a quote for a customer in Sales Customer Pricing Inquiry. This type of quote is limited to one price and discount. It is store as an active quote in PD Pricing Setup.
If the quote is the most current for this customer, the price and discount from this record is used in Sales Order Entry. The quote number is included on the sales order. The operator can either accept or ignore the quote. If the operator ignores the quote, the next qualifying price/discount record for the customer is used.
If the product is a special price/cost unit, the special price unit is displayed under the Net Amount field for the quote.