Sales Goods and Services Tax Report overview

Sales > Reports > OE Reports > OERG

Function acronym: OERG

Use this report, or the Sales Order Audit Report, to compare line items to the sales order header and the customer Order and Future Order balances. This report is only applicable for companies that are located in Canada.

This report audits orders within a specified invoice date range. Orders with a stage of Stage 4 (Invoiced) or Stage 5 (Paid) are audited.

For foreign customers, all currency amounts are displayed in the domestic currency.

To access certain functions that available for recording GST taxes, your company must be set up with a Canadian Country Code in SA Company Setup. During sales order entry, Canadian taxes are calculated, based on GST or PST rates set up in System Administrator. Setups must be completed before Canadian taxes can be correctly calculated for sales orders.

See Canadian taxes.