Sales Consolidated Invoice Report overview
Function acronym: OERC
Use this report to create consolidated invoices for customer and ship to orders that are set up for invoice consolidation and tied fulfillment orders.
Customer and ship to orders
Invoice consolidation is set up in Customer Setup and Customer Ship To Setup. Orders are consolidated when the date in the Next Consolidation Date field is reached. A new invoice is created using the next order entry number from the first consolidation order’s customer or ship to warehouse. The new order header is set to invoiced and used as a placeholder. It does not have lines. A note is created which includes a list of the consolidated invoices and their totals that can be viewed in Sales Order Inquiry.
The Accounts Receivable transactions that are associated with the invoices on the consolidated invoice are inactivated. A new Accounts Receivable transaction is created using the new order number. The new Accounts Receivable transaction has a printable note attached that lists all invoices and credits that have been included in the consolidated invoice. The originating Accounts Receivable transaction’s Reference field displays Consolidated and the consolidated invoice number.
If the Our Records Only Invoice option is selected on an order in Sales Order Entry, the order is not included in this report.
General header information for the customer or ship to prints on the invoice for each order that is being consolidated, with these exceptions:
- Invoice date is the consolidation date.
- Invoice number is the consolidated invoice number.
- Terms are consolidated terms.
- Ship date is blank.
- Ship via is blank.
- Instructions is blank.
- Date shipped is blank.
- Ship To is blank unless you consolidate by ship to.
- PO# is blank unless you are consolidating by purchase order or order.
- PO Date is blank unless you are consolidating by purchase order.
COD and floor plan orders cannot be consolidated. If the customer or the finance customer are set to consolidate, the invoice prints as a single invoice when you run the report.
Consolidation is dependent upon the last consolidation date and next consolidation date. An invoice is also processed by the Sales Entry Invoice Processing Report when one of these conditions applies:
- The invoice is back-posted to a date before the last consolidation date
- The invoice is for a future date for the customer or ship to controlling the consolidation
If a customer or ship to has no invoice activity since the previous consolidation, the next consolidation date is updated if these conditions are met:
- The consolidation interval is monthly.
- The report was run on the next consolidation date.
A total count of these customers and ship tos is printed in the Orders Consolidated section on the exception report.
All RM orders that have not been consolidated are pulled in when the consolidation runs. The date on the RM and whether credit was generated by the RM has not affect. If the credit has been applied, the amount from the RM is not included in the Payments/Ord Credits and is not in the Net amount. After RMs are included in a consolidation, they are not picked up again.
Order Fulfillment
If you use consolidated invoicing for fulfillment orders, tied fulfillment orders are excluded from the standard logic that uses customer and ship to records to determine consolidation. These values are used to determine what fulfillment orders can be consolidated:
- Billing code on fulfillment orders: Determines if the fulfillment order qualifies for release.
- Stage of fulfillment orders: Original fulfillment orders must be
in fulfillment stage of Submitted or Consolidated. If the billing code is a
based percent of shipment, this criteria must be met for tied fulfillment
- Must be in the sales order stage of Stage 4-Invoiced.
- Must meet the percent of shipment. The quantity ordered totals are compared to the invoiced quantity totals to determine what percentage of the total tied fulfillment orders are ready for billing.
If the billing code is Manually Release, all of the tied fulfillment orders that are in the Invoiced stage are consolidated.
- Floorplan customer: If a floorplan customer is specified on a tied fulfillment order, the invoice cannot be consolidated for billing. The invoice is printed individually when the Sales Entry Invoice Processing Report is run.
When a tied fulfillment order is consolidated, the original fulfillment order moves to the fulfillment order stage of Consolidated. After all of the tied fulfillment orders are consolidated, the original fulfillment order moves to the Complete stage.
When tied fulfillment orders are consolidated a note is attached to the original fulfillment order. The note includes the consolidated order number and the consolidated date. The original fulfillment order number is included on the tied fulfillment order.
If multiple consolidations are performed against an original fulfillment order, a new consolidated order number is generated for each consolidation. The original fulfillment order and the consolidated tied fulfillment orders are included in the note that is attached to the new consolidated order.
Single Fulfillment Order Processed/Printed Through Consolidated Invoicing
Information about fulfillment orders is included in these sections on the report:
- Orders Not Consolidated section
These messages can display if tied fulfillment orders were not included in the invoice:
- Bill Code Not Fulfilled: This message is displayed if the percent of shipment was not met. For example, the bill code is Ship Completely, but only 50 percent of the original fulfillment order has shipped.
- No Orders to Fulfill: This message is displayed if all tied orders have been consolidated. The original fulfillment order is moved to the fulfillment stage of Complete.
- Orders Consolidated section
The original fulfillment order is displayed for each tied fulfillment order that was consolidated. The original fulfillment order is also displayed if the invoice was reprinted.
Information about fulfillment order is included in these sections on the consolidated invoice:
- Order detail section, with the order notes
- Summary Totals for All Consolidated Orders
Foreign customers and currency rate
The current exchange rate is used when a consolidated invoice is posted to ARET and the General Ledger AR sales account for a foreign customer. These differences are posted to the Loss/Gain account that is specified in SA Currency Setup:
- Differences that are caused by rounding
- Differences that are caused by changes in the exchange rate between the original invoice and the new consolidated invoice transaction
To avoid significant changes in an invoice’s currency rate, we recommend that you set the consolidation interval in Customer Setup to daily or weekly.
If you are generating invoices through Infor Document Management (IDM), you can also include Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) when you print or email an invoice with hazardous products.
If your invoices are set up as Print Format 4, with an Output Type of IDM Output Management or IDM Output Management and Third Party in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Sales Orders-Printing, you can include the MSDS with the invoice by selecting Use IDM for MSDS in SA Administrator Options-Products-Defaults. When Use IDM for MSDS is selected, sheets set up in Infor Document Management are searched to match the right sheet with the product. This is based on document attributes that are set up in IDM and in the IDM MSDS Sheet Xquery Attributes field in SA Administrator Options-Products-Defaults.
If an invoice contains kit components that are flagged as MSDS products, the sheets for each components are printed or emailed as well.
If you select to print your invoices, sheets are printed to the same printer as the invoices.
If you select to email invoices, sheets are emailed in a separate email, with an email subject line: “MSDS Sheets for Order nnnnnn-nn”.
If you select the Print to Email/-Fax Where Appropriate option, sheets are sent to the appropriate contacts for the invoiced customer. Otherwise, the email address specified on the Print Information view is used.