Sales Order Inquiry - Overview overview

Sales > Inquiry > Order

Use this tab to view key information about the order. Summary and line information is displayed for all transaction types. Additional information about Blanket Releases (BR) is displayed for Blanket Orders (BL).

The order information is grouped in collapsible sections, also called cards, that contains data from other tabs. It is presented in standard static fields, key performance indicator (KPI) charts, and other visual components. The Summary and Lines sections are displayed for all transaction types. The Lines section does not display of the order does not contain lines. If the order is a BL, then Blank Release Schedule and Blanket Release Value sections are also displayed.

Note: The Blanket Release sections are not displayed if the order is a fulfillment order. Fulfillment orders are BLs, but they do not have relates BRs.


The Summary section contains these elements:

  • Select fields from the Header and Totals tabs. Additional fields are shown for Return Merchandise (RM) orders, such as the Return Reason.
  • Counts for lines, packages, and history (backorders). Each number is a hyperlink that opens the corresponding tab. The History count does not include the 00 suffix or the current suffix.
  • Color-coded tags that indicate these flags or conditions that apply to the order:
    • Header notes: Displays if notes are attached at the order level
    • Line Comments: Displays if the order includes line-level comments
    • Fulfillment Order
    • Approval Hold: Displays if the approval code is not 'y'
    • Backorders Exist
    • Substitutes Not Allowed
    • Backorders Not Allowed
    • Late Order: Displays if the order is not canceled and the ship date is greater than the promised date, or the ship date is not assigned and the promised date has passed.
    • Cancelled Order
  • Process indicator that shows the sales order stages and the related dates. For Quote Orders (QU), the cancel date is displayed under the Cancel indicator. For other types of orders, the cancel date is not displayed.
  • Margin donut chart that displays the percentage of cost and margin for the order. The chart is displayed only if you can view prices and costs, based on your operator security.


Depending on the data on the order, the Lines section can contain these donut charts:

  • Line Types: Shows percentage of stock, nonstock, special, and lost business line types on the order.
  • Ship Quantity: Shows the percentage of line items that were fully or partially shipped. This chart is not displayed if all lines on the order are returns or if the order does not contain lines.
  • Return Lines: Shows the percentage of line items that are returns. This chart is displayed for Return Merchandise (RM) orders or if another transaction type includes a return line.

Blanket Release Schedule

Detailed and summarized versions of the section are available. Both include a column chart with the date, order suffix, and number of products for each BR that is associated with the BL. When the BR contains 10 products or less, the vertical bars are comprised of stacked, multicolored segments that represent each product's quantity. A color-coded key to the products is provided. When you hold your mouse over a segment, the product number and quantity is displayed. When a product is included in some BRs but not all BRs, it is still included as a segment in the vertical bar. When you hold your mouse over the segment, Product is not on this Release is displayed. If the BR contains more than 10 products, then only the total quantity of the products is displayed.

You can change the chart to display order quantity or ship quantity. You can also select a release and then select ... > Blanket Release Entry - Line Items to view the BR in Sales Blanket Release Entry. If the BR is in the Entered (0) or Ordered (1) stages, then you can also open the order in Sales Order Entry.

Blanket Release Value

This section displays a column chart that shows the date, suffix, and value of each BR. When you hold your mouse over a column, the order total of the BR is displayed. You can also select a release and then click the right arrow to view the BR in Sales Blanket Release Entry.


Access to the Overview tab, Sales Order Entry, and Sales Blanket Release Entry is determined by your functionality security in SA Operator Setup. Other security settings from SA Operator Setup are honored on the Overview tab. For example, if you cannot view prices, then the Margin chart, Ordered amount, Shipped amount, Total Invoice amount, and the Blanket Release Value chart are not displayed.