Sales Order Entry - Shopping List overview
Use this page to add products to sales orders, based on promotional products, past sales, previous orders, and product lists.
Recommended Quantity
The origins of the recommended quantity of a product in the Shopping List varies, depending on the type of list. For product lists, the recommended quantity is from Product List Setup. For past sales and previous orders, the recommended quantity is from the first order found. For promotional products, recommended quantities are not provided.
If a product is a special price/costed item, the pricing information is from Product Setup. Because the cost can be displayed in hundredths or thousandths, view the net amount on these pages to determine the amount that is charged to the customer:
- Advanced Line Entry
- Edit Line
If you add a product to the Shopping List from a previous order, you can retain the price from the original order or reprice the product. Products in the Shopping List that are based promotional products, past sales, or product lists, reflect current pricing.
Ordering History
The ordering history information is from the SM Setup Extended Warehouse/Product Totals record. If these conditions are met, the information contained in the record is automatically updated each time sales invoice processing is performed:
- Sales by Customer, by Product, by Warehouse (SMSEW)To filter some of the ordering history information that is displayed, set records in is select in SA Administrator Options-Sales History-Levels
- Yes is selected for the Update Sales Manager option on the Sales Entry Invoice Processing Report
Customer Order Pad Filter Setup. When you set up a customer or customer type record with product categories, those product categories are not included in the Shopping List.
The Shopping List does not accumulate past sales of a product. You can run a sales report, such as the Sales Order Register Report, to determine that type of information.
COD Direct Orders
You can not use Shopping List on Direct Orders (DO) for a customer with COD terms. This restriction conforms to other system limitations for COD DOs. Drop lines can only be added to a COD order if it is tied to a warehouse transfer.
Customer reservations
If an active customer product reservation exists for any line in your shopping list, ‘CR’ is displayed on the line with the Available quantity. The Available quantity includes the Reserved amount from Product Customer Reservation Setup. To view the reservations for this product, select the line in the Shopping List grid and click . If the reserved quantity is short, you cannot pull stock from another reservation record. You must delete the line from the shopping list and enter it using the single-line entry method. Authorization is required to borrow stock from another order. The Allowed Pull Quantity option is required for an override reservation.