Sales Order Entry - Shopping List - Past Sales overview
Use this page to specify a date range and other criteria to create a Shopping List that displays products that were previously purchased by the customer, ship to, and warehouse on the order.
Past sales activities are based on SM Setup Extended – Warehouse/Product Totals records.
To use the past sales feature, these options must be selected:
- Update Sales Manager in Customer Setup-Ordering
- Sales Manager in Product Warehouse Product Setup-General
- Sales by Customer,by Product,by Whse (SMSEW) in SA Administrator Options-Sales History-Levels
- Yes for Update Sales Manager? in the Sales Entry Invoice Processing Report
The monthly sales volume for each product is displayed, based on the range that you specify.
Direct ship products are not included in the Shopping List unless you are creating a Direct Order (DO). You can only order Direct Ship products as a DO. If a product had a status of Stock on a past sale but now has a status of Direct Ship, the history of past sales is not removed but the product is not included in the list.
You can expand the Past Sales list to include products that were sold from other warehouses and to other ship tos. To make this information available, the appropriate value must be selected in the OE Shopping List Past Sales field in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Sales Orders-Entry Settings. You must then select All Warehouses? and All Ship Tos? when you create the list.