Sales Shipping Feedback Entry - Shipping Details - Line Items overview
Use this page to review and edit the line items on the order. Some fields in the grid are editable. Use the buttons on the grid toolbar to access Warehouse Manager, Re-Reserve, and to Set Qty Ship to Zero.
You can process normal and returned lines from this view. If the order is in Stage 1 (Ordered), the Product Setup Warehouse Product quantity reserved is decreased, and the quantity committed is increased before you access the Line Items view. If the order is already in Stage 2 (Picked) or Stage 3 (Shipped), the committed balance is affected if the quantity shipped is increased or decreased. Quantities that are committed have already been picked from the warehouse and may have been shipped. If a line is being returned, on hand quantity is not affected until you perform invoice processing in Sales Entry Invoice Processing Report. Also, if part of the returned quantity is unavailable, the unavailable quantity is not updated until you process invoices.
If a back order must be created for any lines that contain a zero quantity shipped, the back order is created based on the Create OE Back Orders At Stage option in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Sales Orders-Back Orders. This enables Sales Processing Back Order Fill Report to fill the back order when stock is available.
From the Line Items view, you can advance to Serial/Lots and Kits when you are processing a serial, lot, or kit product. If any of the products on the order are serialized or have lots and are not fully allocated, a warning message is displayed. You cannot invoice process the order until all serial and lot numbers for the order have been allocated.
Use the Shipping Feedback Line Items grid to review and edit the line record. Some fields in the grid are editable. Use the actions on the grid toolbar to access
, , and to .For orders with a Just In Time disposition, only picked lines are displayed. This message is displayed if you try to ship a Just in Time order that has not been picked: JIT Orders Must Be Picked Before Shipping or Invoice Processing (6123).
After the order goes through all other processing, the order optionally goes through back order creation if the back order stage is less than or equal to Stage 3 (Shipped) and a back order does not already exist.
Because Direct Orders (DO) and Line DOs are shipped from your vendor or another warehouse directly to your customers, the inventory never enters your system. Sales Shipping Feedback Entry does not affect Product Warehouse Product Setup. When you maintain the line item for a Line DO, this message is displayed: Warning: This Line is Tied to a PO or WT (8673).
The DO column on the Line Items view indicates the line is a Direct Order or Line DO.
Short shipments
When an order is shipped short in Sales Shipping Feedback Entry, the system tries to move the remaining quantity to a new or existing suffix. If one of the subsequent suffixes is in printed stage or later, the quantity cannot be moved. In that case, the system creates a new line on the same suffix for the difference. If there is space, a comment is added to the new line that lists the line from which it was created, the amount for which it was created, and the date the new line was created.
Catch Weight product shipment
Catch weight functionality enables you to also handle products with a variable weight, or bulk products that have a variable end product weight. The catch weight functionality must be enabled SA Administration-Administrator Options-Products-Defaults, and this product must have been set up as a catch weight product in Product Setup-General. You can activate catch weight for purchase orders, sales orders, or both. You can require an actual catch weight be specified at the line level when the product is received from the vendor, and when the product is shipped to your customer.
If this functionality is activated and set up for sales orders, the Actual Total Weight column in the Line Items grid is enterable based on conditions. You must have activated the catch weight functionality, and the Stage for this order must Ordered or Picked. A value must be specified in the Actual Total Weight field; otherwise a message is displayed: Actual Weight Must be Entered for All Catch Weight Lines (7193). You cannot continue with shipping this order until this value is specified. If you Unship this order, Actual Total Weight is set to zero.