Sales Shipping Feedback Entry - Shipping Details Header overview
Use this view to review customer and order total information and all the required addon information and shipping information from the header in Sales Order Entry.
You should only access the Header view to add or change addons or shipping instructions. If addons are a percentage, the addon amounts are calculated by the system from the line item totals. A summary of the information is displayed from the line items.
The addons default from the Customer Setup or Customer Ship To Setup records, or you can manually enter them. A surcharge addon can also exist for each order. Surcharge addons are set up on the Product Maintain Inventory Balances record and are displayed below the addon amounts. The surcharge label defined in SA Administrator Options-Products-Costs is displayed next to the surcharge amount.
If any products or kit components on the order are serialized or have lots that are not fully allocated, a warning message is displayed. You cannot ship the order until all serial or lot numbers have been allocated for the order.
Because DOs are shipped directly from the vendor to your customer, you only use Sales Shipping Feedback Entry if your vendor shipped more than the ordered quantity. Use the option to adjust the quantity shipped. After you make the necessary adjustments in Sales Order Entry, Sales Shipping Feedback Entry is optional. Your customer is invoiced for the correct quantity.
If you make any changes on the Header view, the operator’s initials, date, and time are stored on the sales order header record. You can access this audit information through Sales Order Master List Report.