Sales Blanket Release Entry overview
Function acronym: OEERB
Use this page to create a new blanket release or view existing blanket releases.
A blanket release (BR) is a portion of the blanket order (BL) that is entered in Sales Order Entry. Each blanket release retains the original blanket order number, but is assigned a different suffix. In Sales Blanket Release Entry, you can specify different ship dates and shipto locations for each blanket release.
After you add a blanket release, you can access header and line item information. The Header view contains the information that was specified when the release was created, such as shipping and lump billing information, and addon information. In the Line Items view, you can specify the quantities to ship for the release.
The Just in Time order disposition is not valid with blanket orders or blanket releases. If the default disposition on the customer record is Just in Time, the Disposition field on the blanket order or blanket release is blank.
After you create a blanket release, it is in Stage 0 (Entered). It is converted to Stage 1 (Ordered) by one of these reports:
- Sales Entry Invoice Processing Report
- Sales Entry Processing Cancel/Convert Orders Report
When the reports are run, the order conversion date in calculated.
See Order conversion date calculations.
When the blanket release is converted to Stage 1, stock is reserved and you can modify the blanket release in Sales Order Entry. The promised date and requested ship date on the order header is the date specified on the blanket release. Blanket releases follow the same processing path as stock orders.
If the quantity to release is changed in Sales Order Entry, the quantity to release is adjusted on the blanket order. If the quantity ordered is adjusted to be higher than the quantity to release, this message is displayed: Cannot Allocate More Than is Remaining on Blanket.
Address Override: The Address Override setting is part of the Address Validation feature that ensures the address is valid for taxing. The Address Override setting is selected from the Address Validation pop-up. The pop-up window is automatically displayed from the tax-related address sections of this function if there are errors or differences. The Address Validation pop-up shows the current address side-by-side with the suggested third-party address. Third-party address is available with AvaTax and Vertex Cloud. From the pop-up window, you can update the address. You can also select the Address Override option. This override accommodates a General Delivery address, which overrides the default behavior of the third-party's calculation. For example, AvaTax instead makes the tax calculation from the General Delivery address and avoids an error. This is beneficial when the address is not in the United States Postal Service (USPS) database yet, such as with new construction.