Sales Entry Invoice Processing Report overview

Sales > Entry > OEE Reports > OEEPI

Function acronym: OEEPI

Use this report to generate invoices for sales orders. You can invoice process an order after it is picked and shipped. Invoicing is one of the last required steps to complete an order.

Note: Instead of printing, this report can be sent as an email attachment.

Invoice processing

Invoice processing places the order in Stage 4 (Invoiced) or Stage 5 (Paid), if the payment amount equals the invoice amount. An order cannot be changed or deleted after it is invoice processed, although an invoiced order can be copied to a new order.

For range or list processing, orders are invoiced, the order stage changed, and all Customer, General Ledger and Product updates are performed in this order:

  • RM orders in order number order
  • All other orders in order number order

This processing order is separate from the print order.

If the Our Records Only Invoice option is selected in Sales Order Entry, the order is invoice processed but output is not generated.

Invoice format

Invoices can be printed in standard or non-standard formats. The type of invoice that is printed is defined in the SA Administrator Options-Documents-Sales Orders-Printing options. All invoice headings can be printed on the invoice, or invoice headings can be suppressed. If the headings are suppressed, the document name is printed so the document can be identified. If you have custom, preprinted forms, suppress printing the headings.

Pick tickets, invoices, acknowledgments, and bills of lading use either the bill-to address specified on the Customer Setup or Customer Ship to Setup record or the ship-to address from the Sales Order Entry header. If the sales order header contains a code in the Language field, the corresponding product descriptions, addons, and terms are incorporated.

In compliance with the credit card industry's Payment Application-Data Security Standard (PA-DSS) and Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS), credit card numbers are masked on all report output.

Consolidated invoice printing

Orders for customers that are set up for consolidated invoicing do not print unless they are printed on demand by specifying the order number on a print list in Sales Consolidated Invoice Report or Sales Order Entry. If a back posting date is before the last consolidation date on the customer or customer ship-to record, then, the invoice prints during Sales Entry Invoice Processing Report and does not consolidate. To back post orders, you must implement date ranges and back posting procedures so that these orders to fall within the last and next consolidation date ranges set up in Customer Setup or Customer Ship To Setup.


If you are generating invoices through Infor Document Management (IDM), you can also include Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) when you print or email an invoice with hazardous products.

If your invoices are set up as Print Format 4, with an Output Type of IDM Output Management or IDM Output Management and Third Party in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Sales Orders-Printing, you can include the MSDS with the invoice by selecting Use IDM for MSDS in SA Administrator Options-Products-Defaults. When Use IDM for MSDS is selected, sheets set up in Infor Document Management are searched to match the correct sheet with the product. This is based on document attributes that are set up in IDM and in the IDM MSDS Sheet Xquery Attributes field in SA Administrator Options-Products-Defaults.
  • If an invoice contains kit components that are flagged as MSDS products, the sheets for each components are printed or emailed as well.

  • If you select to print your invoices, sheets are printed to the same printer as the invoices.

  • If you select to email invoices, sheets are emailed in a separate email, with an email subject line: “MSDS Sheets for Order nnnnnn-nn”.

  • If you select the Print to Email/-Fax Where Appropriate option, sheets are sent to the appropriate contacts for the invoiced customer. Otherwise, the email address on the Print Information view is used.

Catch Weight

If you use the catch weight feature, you must specify the actual total weight in Sales Shipping Feedback Entry. If you do not specify a actual total weight, this message is displayed and the order is not invoiced: Actual Weight Must be Entered for All Catch Weight Lines (7193). You cannot continue with invoicing this order until this value is specified during shipping. The catch weight functionality must be enabled SA Administration-Administrator Options-Products-Defaults, and this product must have been set up as a catch weight product in Product Setup-General.