Sales Entry Processing Back Order Fill Report overview
Function acronym: OEEPB
Use this report to automatically fill outstanding back orders, Ship Completes, Tag and Hold orders, Special/Nonstock line items, and Direct Orders (DO) for which back orders are allowed.
Back orders are created when the Net Available quantity for a product cannot cover the quantity ordered.
This function can be performed through Sales Order Entry, or automatically after Purchase Receipt of Inventory Entry, Transfer Receipt of Inventory Entry, or KP Work Order Center Entry.
Multiple operators can run back order fill simultaneously in the same warehouse in these functions:
- Purchase Receipt of Inventory Entry
- Transfer Receipt of Inventory Entry
- KP Entry Accept (KP Work Order Center Entry)
- VA Receipt of Inventory Entry
- Sales Entry Processing Back Order Fill Report
Credit checking
A credit check is performed when an order is filled and totaled unless the order meets one of these conditions:
- Direct Order (DO)
- Non-DO with all DO lines
- Tendered and then the order approval is updated
The order approval code changes when an order is placed on hold. If the customer is placed on credit hold, the appropriate legacy or operational hold code is applied. The hold code is removed if the customer is no longer on credit hold.
Quantities received through Purchase, Transfer, or Kit Production
When additional quantities are received through Purchase, Transfer, or Kit Production functions, this function automatically fills the back orders after the report is generated. Additional product quantities may also become available through these functions:
- Product Unavailable Inventory Entry receipts and returns in
- Product Adjustment Entry stock adjustments
- Sales Entry Invoice Processing Report returns
Each of the functions creates receipt records that indicates that the On Hand balance in Product Warehouse Product Setup-Costs was increased. The stock can be used fill an open order when Sales Entry Processing Back Order Fill Report is run. Receipt records are created if one of these settings in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Sales Order-Back Orders is selected:
- Support Running Fill from Navigator
- Any value except None is selected in the Action to Take on Completion of Receiving field
Back order fill methods
The Method for Automatic Fill option in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Sales Orders-Back Orders determines how your orders are filled. You can also specify the method you want the order to be filled with the Fill (O)rder Compl, (L)ine Compl, (A)ll option of this function. Orders can be filled order by order or line by line.
If you choose the full-order fill, the Auto BO Fill in Product Warehouse Product Setup does not apply. Full order fills are not performed in Allocate mode, nor do they apply to Special, Nonstock, Direct Orders (DO), Line DOs, or order ties.
The received quantity and available quantity in Product Warehouse Product Setup-Costs are both used during Sales Entry Back Order Fill Report. This total available quantity is used to fill as many back orders, Ship Complete, and Tag and Hold orders as possible. You can only fill lines where the total available quantity can completely fill each line, or only fill if the total available quantity can completely fill all lines with a particular product on a back order (this does not include Direct Orders or Nonstock/Special orders). If a product was received as Unavailable on PO line and a sales order is tied to the PO line, the sales order is tracked on the Allocation Report. On the Allocation Report, the item would be set as an unfilled order.
Limiting back orders through the Ship Complete disposition
Back order creation and back order shipments can be limited at these levels:
- Warehouse
- Ship to
- Customer
- Sales order
If Back Order Ship Complete is selected in Product Warehouse Description Setup, the Ship Complete disposition is automatically assigned to back orders with a -01 suffix when you run back order fill. The disposition is assigned at the header and line levels on Stock Orders (SO) and Counter Sale (CS) orders, unless one of these conditions exist:
- The order has a Just In Time (JIT) disposition.
- The order contains drop ship lines.
To limit back orders for a customer or ship to, a default back limit order can be specified on Customer Setup or Customer Ship To Setup records. The default back order limit is used on sales orders unless the value is overridden on the Customer Order Settings page in Sales Order Entry.
When a back order with a suffix that equals the limit is created, the Ship Complete disposition is automatically assigned to that back order. For example, if the back order limit is 3, the Ship Complete disposition is assigned to a back order with a -03 suffix. The disposition is assigned at the header and line levels.
Because back order numbers for Blanket Release (BR) orders may not be sequential, the back order number on the line item is used to determine the number of back orders that were created.
The back order limit is exceeded by one back order if these conditions are met:
- The back order limit is specified or updated on an existing customer or ship to record.
- Orders with suffixes equal to or greater then exist
The order disposition for the additional back order is set to Ship Complete.
The Back Order Ship Complete setting on the warehouse record takes precedence over back order limits that are set for ship tos, customers, and sales orders.
Filling partial quantities
Partial quantities can be filled for line items with a selling unit of two or more of each product, such as a case or box. If Allow Partial Unit Sale in SA Administrator Options-Products-Defaults is selected and a partial quantity is available, the partial amount updates the quantity shipped value.
For example, you sell the product in cases of 12, but stock it as one each. If you have six product, or half a case, in stock, .50 is the quantity shipped. A back order is created for the remaining partial quantity (.50). This option applies only if you have selected to fill all items with available quantity. If your Allow Partial Unit Sale option is not selected, or you have selected to fill the order complete, or line complete, the line is not filled until a full case is in stock.
Order types that are filled first
When Sales Entry Back Order Fill Report is initially run, these lines are filled first, regardless of the fill method that is selected:
- Special/nonstock line items
- Nonstock build-on-demand kit component lines
- Direct Orders (DO) lines
- Tied lines
For these types of items, the PO or WT number on each line item is verified against the received purchase orders or warehouse transfers:
- Special/nonstock
- Nonstock build-on-demand kit component
- Direct Order (DO)
Each special/nonstock line item, nonstock build-on-demand kit component and Direct Order (DO) is filled with the stock quantity received less the quantity unavailable from the purchase order line item or warehouse transfer line item received.
Special and nonstock items
For special/nonstock line items and nonstock build-on-demand kit component line items that are partially filled, a back order is created and the Purchase Entry Recommended Replenishment Action Report/Transfer Entry Recommended Replenishment Action Report adds the line items to a new purchase order or warehouse transfer. If the quantity received on a purchase order or warehouse transfer is greater than the amount ordered, and the SA Administrator Options-Products-Defaults option, Over Fill Tied Order Qty With Receipt Qty-PO Receipts/WT Receiptsis selected, the order amount on the sales order is updated with the received amount. For Direct Orders (DO), the serial and lot numbers received through Purchase and Transfer functions are allocated to the sales order.
Received item through Purchase Receipt of Inventory Entry or Transfer Receipt of Inventory Entry
There may be instances when a back ordered item is received through Purchase Receipt of Inventory Entry or Transfer Receipt of Inventory Entry and the item is damaged or cannot be used to fill a customer's back order or warehouse transfer. The item should be entered as Unavailable on the Extend view. Ties to Sales or Transfer are removed so the item is picked up with the Purchase Entry Recommended Replenishment Action Report/Transfer Entry Recommended Replenishment Action Report and is ordered again.
Order ties
When a tie is created on the original order with the -00 suffix, a pick ticket prints. The line can be picked as soon as the tied product is received.
If a tie is added to an existing line that is back ordered, one of these messages is displayed:
Warning: Tied Line Already Exists on BO; Manually Adjust BO
Warning: Line already Exists on Backorder; Manually adjust