Sales Drawer Transaction Entry overview
Function acronym: OEEDE
Use this function to record cash drawer transactions.
Use this function only if you have activated cash drawer management functionality. During entry, you can select from the Petty Cash Transactions types you set up in SA Table Code Value Setup. Transaction types distinguish between taking cash out of the drawer [buying lunch for employees], or putting cash in [deposit]. If the transaction type is taking cash out of the drawer for a purchase, you can also specify which operator received the cash.
When you specify the Warehouse and Drawer ID, a journal is opened automatically. A journal is required when you enter one or more transactions. The journal remains open as you enter and submit transactions. The journal closes when you exit this session of Sales Drawer Transaction Entry.
The grid shows all of the transactions you entered during the current session. The grid column, Direction, shows whether the transaction is Cash In or Cash Out. The grid column, Operator, shows the operator initials of which operator took cash out. The column, GL Posting, shows that this transaction created a posting to General Ledger. The grid also shows the contents of any Comments specified during the transaction entry.
If the drawer for this Drawer ID is being reconciled or if transactions are being entered by another operator, an error is displayed when to try to submit a transaction.
Completion of transaction entry and exit from the function updates the journal and the OEEDE table values.