Sales Import Data Report overview
Function acronym: OEDI
After you transfer the upload file from Direct Route to UNIX, use this report to update the system with the routing information. This function also updates customer-specific default settings on Sales Direct Route Setup records.
The information on this report is sorted in the same sequence as it is listed in the import file. The program reads the order number of the first data record to determine whether the file provides data for routing daily orders or data for updating entity-specific defaults. The file does not contain both types of information.
In addition to the information that updates the system, the import file contains the entity record, order number, and order type as exported to Direct Route.
Routing daily orders
- The route and stop designated in Direct Route are updated on an
internal field on the order. Warehouse transfers and purchase orders are not updated
with this information. Note: If the route and stop are zero, it is assumed that the order was not routed in Direct Route. An internal setting is reset and all related fields are cleared, so the order can be picked up the next time you generate Sales Export Data Report. This order is considered an exception and is included on the audit report.
- The Direct Route Fixed Delivery field is processed when route and stop are processed. If the field is blank, the Fixed Delivery field on the entity master record is used to determine whether to update the longitude and latitude settings on the entity record. If the field on the entity master record is no, the longitude and latitude settings on the entity master record are cleared. If yes, and the longitude and latitude in the entity master record are blank or zero, they are updated with the longitude and latitude imported from Direct Route.
- The arrival time and delivery date recorded in Direct Route are updated for orders and transfers. No updates are made to purchase orders.
- The freight amount, which is the delivery charge, is calculated in Direct Route. For orders and transfers, the Actual Freight field is updated with this amount. Purchase orders are not updated with the freight amount.
Updating entity-specific defaults
- Longitude and latitude are updated on entity records if they are for a fixed location.
- Equipment code, unload rate, fixed time, earliest and latest delivery times, symbol, size, and color are updated.