Sales Export Data Report overview

Sales > Reports > OE Reports > OEDE

Function acronym: OEDE

At your designated cut-off time, use this report to create an export file that you can transfer to Direct Route for routing.

Sales Export Data exports stock orders, blanket orders, and return merchandise orders. Orders for the specified warehouse that meet the parameters are included on the report. Orders that meet this criteria are not included in the export:

  • Are in use
  • Were previously exported
  • On routing hold or credit hold
  • Have a Will Call Tag and Hold disposition
  • Have a Ship Complete disposition and contain zero quantity line items that are not completely filled

Return Merchandise (RM) orders and purchase orders show negative numbers for these values to indicate these are pick-up stops, not of deliveries:

  • Weight
  • Cube
  • Net amounts

The export file name consists of the warehouse and date with an .stp extension, which represents a stop file. The first file that is created for the day contains the date. Subsequent files that are created for the day contain the date and are appended with an ascending number. For example, these stop files were created on October 9 for the main warehouse: Main1009.stp, Main1009-1.stp, and Main1009-2.stp.

Sales Export Data creates an ASCII tab-delimited file of the qualifying orders. An internal flag is set to prevent the orders from being exported again. The export file contains the destination name, which is taken directly from the sales order, transfer, or purchase order header, and this information:

  • Customer, ship to, vendor, ship from, or warehouse name
  • Destination address, including city, state, and zip code
  • Shipping instructions
  • Phone number for the destination
  • Information from the most specific Direct Route Cust/Vendor/Whse Setup or Sales Direct Route Defaults Setup record
  • Weight, cube, net amount, and gross margin for sales orders only

The file that is created is stored in the print directory that is specified in SA Company Setup , appended with dr and the name of the warehouse. For example, if the print directory is /dv/tmp, the export file for the main warehouse is stored in the /dv/tmp/dr/main directory.

After the file is in the /dv/tmp/dr/main directory, you can transfer the file to Direct Route for routing.