KP Entry Journal Print Report overview

Kit Production > Entry > KPE Reports > KPEJ

Function acronym: KPEJ

Use this report to print KP entry journals.

Transactions that are associated with the journal number update the appropriate General Ledger accounts when the journal is closed. Use this report to print journals on a regular basis to maintain an audit trail of your General Ledger postings. Journals are not automatically printed after you are finished with KP Work Order Center Entry.

Journal information that is included on the report depends on the report parameters that you specify. The most common practice is to print one journal or a range of journals after all processing is complete for the day.

Do not use the Job Name/Number field on the Run page to set up a group of journals under one job name. Journals are sequentially numbered through 99999999 and then start over. The list of journals in a pre-existing job would require editing to run the report for new journals.

We recommend that you use only one or two of the ranges when you run the report. If more ranges are selected, the report can become complex and difficult to understand. These ranges are commonly used in combination:
  • Journal number
  • Journal number and work order number
  • Period
  • Operator

Both stock and nonstock kit components are included on the report. An "n" indicates a nonstock component.