Product Hazardous Information Setup - Hazardous Information overview

Product > Setup > Hazardous Info

Use the maintenance window when you are creating or editing a Product Hazardous Information Setup record.


Two pages are available to specify information about the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) that is associated with a product. Page 1 and Page 2 are similar. Depending upon the MSDS information, you may want to use all or part of Page 1. Use Page 2 if there is additional information about the MSDS.

Click New. Specify an alphanumeric identifier for the record in the MSDS Sheet #field. Select a Language Code. If you do not select a code now, you cannot add one later. Codes available in the list are initially set up in SA Table Code Value Setup. Click Create to add the record.

Optionally, you can rank the hazardous product you specified an MSDS for. This rank is informational only and is not validated. Different products are not always going to have the same hazardous level. For example, you can set up an index to communicate a hazard level: 4=Severe, 3=Serious, 2=Moderate, 1=Slight, 0=Least.

Complete Page 1 and click Save. Do not move to Page 2 without saving Page 1. Each line provides approximately 64 characters.

The records you create are listed in the grid. Search for a record by sheet number or language code.

The information you enter on the page can be included on the Sales Entry Bill of Lading Report. If the Print Hazardous Material Sheet Info option is Yes on Sales Entry Bill of Lading Report, this information is printed in the language code indicated on the Customer record. All of the information on Page 1 and 2 is printed on the Bill of Lading. You may want to limit the amount of content.