Product Trial Balance of Stock Inventory Report overview
Function acronym: ICRTT
Use this report to compare the balance of the General Ledger Inventory account to the subsidiary valuation of the stock inventory.
The subsidiary value is determined by adding the On Hand, Unavailable, and Received quantities for each stocked product from Product Setup. This total is then multiplied by each product's respective cost from Product Setup. If addons are capitalized (the Post to S/M By Include Addons field in SA Administrator Options-Products-Costs option is selected), the addon amount in Product Setup is multiplied by this quantity and included in the total.
Close all open journals before you run this report. If a journal is open, the journal number, operator, function name, date and time is printed at the top of the report. Find the journal, close it, and then rerun the report.
For valuation, the system uses the cost that you choose in the Post to S/M By option (Average, Standard, Replacement, Last, or FIFO) in SA Administrator Options-Products-Costs. When costing by Replacement or Standard cost, a posting to the COGS adjustment account occurs if a tied warehouse transfer includes an order-as-needed product that is received and costed at a different value than the transfer was created at. This does not occur if the costing method is Average or Last.
If the cost is Replacement and the Roll Up Serial/Lot Costs option is selected, set the Roll IC Serial #/Lot Detail option to Yes to use Product Warehouse Product Setup records to value your inventory, rather than Product Extended Serial Number Setup records, which would cause an out-of-balance condition.
The system provides perpetual inventory valuation. This means that the system is interactively keeping the inventory balances and costs current (with the exception of standard and replacement costs, that are maintained manually by the user) providing up-to-date stock inventory valuation each time the Product Trial Balance of Stock Inventory Report is run.