Product Master List Report overview
Function acronym: ICRMP
Use this report to print all static information contained in the database for the selected product lines from Product Setup.
Print this report after you have set up all products to verify the information. Do this before you start to process files. If you need a list of your products but do not need all the extra details that print on the master list, refer to the Product Alpha Product Master List Report.
If you have activated the National Program functionality, the report shows the product model number associated with the product in Product Setup-General. Product model numbers are created in SA Table Code Value Setup for National Program.
If you have activated the catch weight functionality, the report shows related fields for each catch weight product. These catch weight-related fields are displayed on the report: Catch Weight Prod, Catch Tolerance %, Catch Tolerance Amt, PO Catch Weight Tracking, OE Catch Weight Tracking. The catch weight functionality must be enabled SA Administration-Administrator Options-Products-Defaults, and this product must have been set up as a catch weight product in Product Setup-General.