Product Availability Inquiry - Future overview
Function acronym: ICIA
Use this tab to view future availability information for a specific product. You can also review build on demand and prebuilt kit parent products and their components.
You can view the availability of a product from these module perspectives:
- Product (Inventory Control)
- Sales (Order)
- Purchase
- Transfer
- Kit Production
- Value Add
- Vendor
- Price Discounting
This inquiry provides a view of the current On Hand availability for a specific product. You can also see if you have open orders for these order types:
- Outstanding orders
- VA and KP work orders
- Transfers in and out
- Purchase orders
Each order's stage is displayed. For sales orders, transfers, purchase orders, and VA work orders, the stage is obtained from the order header.
For sales orders tied to a KP work order, or regular KP work orders, the stage is obtained from the order line.
These decrease the on hand quantity:
- Invoiced orders
- Transfers out
- Work order components
These increase the on hand quantity:
- Transfers in
- Purchase order receipts
- Quantities for kit parent products on active work orders
Viewing back orders
You can view back orders from Sales to forecast quantities when back orders are filled and assess whether the quantity being received through Purchase is enough to cover the back orders.
The quantity available to fill the back orders is the on hand quantity plus the quantity received through Purchase. Between the time you view this inquiry and the purchase orders are received and distributed, the on hand quantity may have decreased due to additional sales or transfers. Therefore, all the back orders may not be filled.
When the available quantity cannot cover the demand and a back order is created, the quantity that can be filled appears for the order. The back order appears for the quantity that is back ordered and the order number contains the suffix to indicate the status of the order. The Quantity Back Ordered amount is the Quantity Ordered minus the Quantity Shipped. If there are back orders, all but the last suffix is displayed as zero in the Quantity Back Ordered column.
Information is displayed for one warehouse at a time. Review the availability in multiple warehouses before you make a sale or a purchasing decision.