Product Administrator Year End Process Report overview

Product > Administration > ICA Reports > ICAAY

Function acronym: ICAAY

Use this report to clear the year-to-date balances that were recorded for your inventory activity. It prepares the Product Warehouse Product Setup records to begin accumulating data for a new year.

The product records that are changed depend on the company, warehouse, and product ranges that you specify. If the year-to-date values for a warehouse product record are already zero, the record is not updated.

These YTD fields in Product Inquiry are set to 0 in order to start accumulating data for the new year:

  • Issues
  • Receipts
  • Returns In
  • Returns Out

The report includes the four year-to-date values that are cleared by the report.

Before the start of business in the new fiscal year, run this report after you have completed the tasks for the current fiscal year in these functions:

  • Sales Entry Invoice Processing Report
  • PO Receipt of Inventory Entry
  • WT Receipt of Inventory Entry
  • KP Work Order Center Entry

You can enter sales orders, purchase orders, warehouse transfers, and kit work orders for the new fiscal year if the related processing function is not run. For example, you can enter a sales order on the first day of the new fiscal year if it is not invoice processed. You can print pick tickets for orders that are scheduled to ship in the new calendar/fiscal year, but do not invoice process them.

You can update inventory records if you have security level 3 for this report. If you do not have security for all companies in your company range, an error occurs.

This report includes ranges only.

See Reports - Ranges overview.