GL Administrator Extract for F9 Report overview
Function acronym: GLAE
Use this report to extract GL data from Distribution SX.e into the format that is required by Infor F9, if you use Distribution SX.e with Infor F9.
Run this report to create tab delimited text files that are based on data from these functions:
- GL Account Setup
- GL Budget Setup
- GL Transaction Entry
- SA Table Code Value Setup
The report also extracts the currency code from SA Company Setup.
Depending on the options you select on the report, the data extraction exports the information from the system General Ledger into these flat files:
- f9s<cono>.txt, which contains account and budget data
- f9t<cono>.txt, which contains transaction data
- f9c<cono>.txt, which contains code data
When you select report options, you can specify the directory to which you want to save the files. In on-premises Distribution SX.e, the files are saved to the Print Directory that is specified in SA Company Setup if you do not specify another directory on the report. If you specify another directory, ensure that Infor F9 can access the files at that location.
For CloudSuite Distribution, you must manually save the flat files to a directory that Infor F9 can access. When you run the GL Administrator Extract for F9 Report, you must send the report to the Report Viewer context application in Infor Ming.le or an email address. You must manually save the flat files, which are contained in the GLAE Data Zip file, to the appropriate directory from the Report Viewer or the email. You can also email the GLAE Data Zip file from the Report Viewer.
When you run the report in CloudSuite Distribution, it generates a .pdf of the report and a .zip file containing the flat files. Both documents are sent to the Report Viewer or the email recipient. In on-premises Distribution SX.e, you only receive the report by the method you specified on the report. The flat files are saved directly to the directory.
Typically, you would run this report as a stored report each night. If you run it nightly, leave the report ranges blank to export all General Ledger data regardless of these values:
- Journal number
- Division
- Department
- Account number
- Sub account
- Period
You can only perform data extraction for the login company. Complete the report processing before the import scripts are launched.
Any new data that is extracted is appended to the flat file; data is not duplicated. A new header line is displayed between the previous and new extraction. After you complete the extraction, a report is generated that shows any warnings or errors. If you have GL accounts that do not match up with your administrative options, an error is noted and the data is not extracted.