GL Administrator Create Budget Report overview
Function acronym: GLABB
Use this report to create a new budget for accounts for the current fiscal year or a future fiscal year. Use this function as a starting point for creating all budgets for a fiscal quarter or year.
After you set up the initial budget, you are able to complete these additional budget setup tasks:
- Maintain the budget through GL Budget Setup.
- Copy the budget to other account codes with GL Administrator Copy Budget Report.
- Roll the budget forward to additional periods with GL Administrator Roll Budget Report.
- Freeze the budget with GL Administrator Freeze Budget Report.
The budget period amounts in each budget are calculated from the period amounts in GL Account Setup. The amounts posted on the GL Account Setup record are summed up and increased by an indicated percentage. Budget percentages are limited to 999.99% and can be positive or negative. If you specify a percentage increase that is larger than 999.99%, the calculation is not performed and an error message is displayed. If you specify ranges that result in finding no GL Account Setup records in the base year, this error message is displayed:
2123, No GL Setup Accounts Records Were Found.
You can create budget records for accounts that have valid GL Account Setup amounts but do not exist in the future period. Therefore, if you are using a past period to project a budget for a future period, all past period accounts, within the ranges and options entered, will have a budget created.
Carefully review the new budget. Maintain the budget in GL Budget Setup to make sure you obtain the desired results.