EDI Entry Processing Ship Notice Report overview

Electronic Data Interchange > Entry > EDE Reports > EDEPS

Function acronym: EDEPS

Use this report to receive EDI 856 Advance Ship Notice documents in flat files.

Vendors transmit the EDI 856 documents to you when they send a shipment. You can use the EDI 856 documents in a Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI) or a non-VMI environment.

The document describes the contents and configuration of the shipment in various levels of detail. Typically, an EDI 856 references only one purchase order. If a shipment contains more than one purchase order, an EDI 856 is transmitted for each purchase order.

Run the report in update mode to load the pre-receiving information into Distribution SX.e. The data from the edi856_i.dat file is used to create batch purchase orders that can be processed in Purchase Receipt of Inventory Entry.

If the file is not found, this message is generated to indicate where the program searched for the file:

File Not Found: /xxxxxx/xxx/edi850_i.dat

If the file is not found, ensure that you specified the correct directory. For the EDI 840, if you do not process requests for quotes, ignore this message. For the EDI 850, if you do not process purchase orders, ignore this message.

We recommend that you initially run the report in non-update mode. Review and correct the inbound data before you run the report to create and update records.

You can run the report in non-update mode as many times as required. When you run the report in non-update mode, the .dat file remains in the EDI directory. If you select another mode when you run the report, the .dat file is converted to a .bak file. You must then create and update rebate records manually.