BD Entry Print Meter Ticket Report overview

Bulk Delivery > Entry > BDE Reports > BDEPM

Function acronym: BDEPM

Run the BD Entry Print Meter Ticket Report to generate meter tickets that are stamped by a truck meter as each delivery is made.

This report generates a Format 4 form in XML that can be output to a 3rd-party forms printing application, such as unForms or NowDocs, or to Infor Document Management (IDM).

If you use IDM to print your meter ticket forms, you can customize the IDM template for the Bulk Delivery Meter Ticket to match your company’s format. The SXBdMeterTktTemplate is included with the form templates that are downloaded from KB 1887404 in the file.

See the Infor CloudSuite Distribution Configuration Guide or Infor Distribution SX.e Configuration Guide for Infor Operating Service for information on importing templates and enabling IDM for forms printing.