Customer Ship To Master List Report overview
Function acronym: ARRMS
Use this report to review all static information contained in the database for ship-tos or jobs that fall within the ranges that are specified. Print this report after you set up all ship-to records to verify that the static information is correct.
The information from the Customer Setup record is initially copied to Customer Ship To Setup, but you can modify the ship to records.
The Division value defaults from the Division value in Customer Setup-General-Settings. If you use full divisionalized accounting, this field is required for each Customer ShipTo. Full divisionalized accounting is enforced if the Divisional option is selected in SA Company Setup. This field is not required if you are not using full divisionalized accounting.
Customer Ship To Master List Report is a detailed report of all information set up in Customer Ship To Setup. If you require a list of all ship-to records without the detailed information that is included on Customer Ship To Master List Report, run a Customer Alpha Customer List Report.