Customer Credit Card Status Report overview
Function acronym: ARRCT
Each time you send a transaction through the credit card processor, you receive a response code indicating the status of the transaction. Use this report to relay information on transactions that have been submitted to the credit card processor during a specified time period.
Ranges and options enable reporting on warehouse, division, or merchant ID, and whether the report is for status only or balancing. Columns show detail for Warehouse, Division, and Merchant ID. If the option for balancing is selected, an additional column labeled Amount shows the transaction amount and provide a total based on the sort order selection of warehouse, division, or merchant ID.
You can also use the Customer Credit Card Status Report to report on failed transactions, such as when a card exceeds the credit limit or the transaction timed out. Failed orders are put on hold and the product is not shipped. The Customer Credit Card Status Report gives you an opportunity to resubmit transactions that have failed.