Customer Inquiry - General overview
Use this page to view customer balances. If the customer record contains ship to records with credit limits, use this window to view customer information and total exposure balances.
In Customer Inquiry, the ship to address is ignored when presenting balances. To view customer balances only, in the Period Balances section select Customer Only in the Show Balance for field.
If you do not select the Age Service Charges option in SA Administrator Options-Customer-Balances-Special Transactions, service charges are not included in the period balances, and they are displayed above the Total Balance field. If you select this option, the Customer Entry Roll Balances Report rolls service charges into period balances, and they are displayed below the Total Balance field as an information item.
The same also applies to miscellaneous credits and unapplied cash. If you do not select Age Miscellaneous Credits in SA Administrator Options-Customer-Balances-Special Transactions, miscellaneous credits and unapplied cash are not included in the period balances. They are displayed above the Total Balance field. If you select this option, the Customer Entry Roll Balances Report rolls miscellaneous credits and unapplied cash into period balances. They are displayed below the Total Balance field as information items.
If this customer's past due balance minus miscellaneous credits and unapplied cash is greater than zero, then the ON CREDIT HOLD message is displayed. The message reflects the status of the specified ship to address or the customer status if the Ship To field is blank. This message does not change when you access another tab.
For more information, click the corresponding link:
Previous Year-to-date Balances
Foreign currency
Use this window to view foreign currency information. If balances are displayed in a foreign currency, the foreign security code is displayed in the banner. The currency code is displayed only if currency is set up on the Customer Setup record and the SA Company Setup record.
If you change a currency type when the customers has existing transactions, this message is displayed:
WARNING: Currency code changed. Existing transactions will not be converted
If you specify a bank in Customer Setup, the bank currency and the customer currency are not validated. You can post foreign checks even if you only have a single domestic account.
The gross margin amounts are calculated based on domestic sales and discount amounts. These are converted from foreign currency amounts using the current sales exchange rate before the gross margin calculation.
Period Balances
Customer Only, Cust + 0 Lmt Shps, or Total Exposure. A chart shows how the balance due is distributed to each period.
- Customer Only: Balances shown are for the customer only. No ship to balances are included.
- Cust + 0 Lmt Shps: Balances shown are for the customer and any ship to with a zero credit limit.
- Total Exposure: Balances shown are for the customer and all ship tos.
When you change any one of these option settings, the values displayed in the Period Balances section are recalculated. When you first access a ship to record in Customer Inquiry, the default option is determined by the existence of a credit limit. The option defaults to Total Exposure if there is an active ship to for the selected customer with a credit limit greater than zero. If no active ship to record with a credit limit can be found for the customer, the option defaults to Customer Only.
To view transaction information for an aging period, click the link in the Period Balances section.
Credit Balances
You can view credit information for the selected customer in the Credit Balances section. Credit information, such as the last pay date, high balance amount, and credit limit are displayed. You can control the balance information that is displayed for the selected customer by selecting
The system updates the information in the Sales Entry Invoice Processing Report and Customer Cash Receipts Entry. The total available credit is illustrated in a line chart if the Show Balance option is not Total Exposure.
Tax Details
The taxing information, status, and certification for the customer or ship to is displayed in this section.
Pricing Details
The balance information displayed is determined by the special price and cost information specified on Customer Setup and Customer Ship To Setup records. You can view ordering information and shipping details, such as freight, route/day/stop, and purchasing agent.
YTD Balances
The customer balances for the year-to-date and the previous year are displayed in this section. You cannot change the balances on this window. Balances are updated when the Customer Administration Year End Processing Report function is complete.