Customer Entry Lockbox Import Report overview

Customer > Entry > ARE Reports > Customer Entry Lockbox Import

Function acronym: ARELI

Use this report as a batch process that obtains the inbound EDI 820 data from the lockbox file ( If you post the imported transactions, customer and General Ledger records are updated with payment transactions.

After successful completion of the import process, an Import Complete message is displayed.

If payment is received for an invoice but no sequence number is included in the import file, and there are multiple scheduled payments for the invoice, the import attempts to pay the first scheduled payment.

A report is generated after the import is finished. This report includes a summary of the checks posted, detail of each check transaction, and any split checks that were applied to more than one customer. Any exceptions, such as check transactions that were not applied to an invoice, are also included. Write-off amounts that are positive represent overages.

If you select Yes for the Post/Update Imported Transactions? option, the Accounts Receivable and General Ledger records are updated. An import report and the update report are generated. Both are sent to the printer device, or email, that you specified on the Information page. If you print the report to file, only the update report is generated.

Note:  If the import file attempts to process a partial miscellaneous credit, the transaction is suspended. The Not Found: Edit or charge back message is displayed.