Vendor Cash Requirements Report overview
Function acronym: APRC
Use this report to determine which invoice scheduled payment records qualify to be paid, and the discounts available if the scheduled payment records are paid within the discount period.
If scheduled payment records and discounts qualify, their totals are printed in the Current Due column. If scheduled payment records qualify for a future date, they are printed in the Future column. Scheduled payments placed on hold or disputed are printed in the Disputed column.
If Take Terms Discount on Misc Credit is not selected in SA Administrator Options-Vendors-Invoice Defaults, credits (up to the amount you owe the vendor) are included in the Current column of the report regardless of the due date on the Misc Credit. If you have additional credits that total more than what you owe, those credits are included in the Future column. If Take Terms Discount on Misc Credit is selected, the terms determine whether the Misc Credit is included in the Current or Future column.
Because the Vendor Entry Pay Invoices Due Report uses the same options as the Vendor Cash Requirements Report, printing Vendor Cash Requirements Report first allows operators to verify that the correct scheduled payment records are paid and discounts are taken without updating Accounts Payable files. The discount cutoff date and due cutoff date can be adjusted to obtain the desired amounts in the current and future columns. If an invoice has a zero discount amount, the invoice is not selected for payment even if it falls within the discount cutoff date you specify. This report can be performed as many times as necessary before running the Vendor Entry Pay Invoices Due Report.
You also have the option of selecting specific vendors to process for payment. If you select Yes for the option to enter a list of vendor numbers and you do not enter specific vendor numbers, this warning is displayed: Warning: No Stored Report Selected. All Due Vendors/Invoices Will Be Paid Message 8047.
The warning serves as an opportunity to stop processing if you intended to run the report for specific vendors.
All invoices with manual names and addresses are grouped together in a separate section for each vendor. A separate check is printed through the Vendor Entry Check Print Report.
Direct Order (DO) holds are set up in SA Administrator Options-Vendor-Invoice Defaults. A Direct Order hold is indicated on the report for invoices that have been placed on hold because payment from the customer has not yet been received.
You can generate this report to produce these output types:
- Print: Prints the report to your selected printer.
- CSV File: Prints the output to a comma-separated value (CSV) formatted file. This output is supported only if you are running Distribution SX.e on premises. It is not supported for CloudSuite Distribution.
- Email: Generates a CSV file that is sent as an email attachment.
- Dropbox: Generates a CSV file that is uploaded to your Dropbox account, if configured.
- ION: Generates output for ION using the AnyDocument BOD.
If you specify a stored job name, you can use the Vendor Edit Payment Selection Entry to modify individual invoices and credits selected by the Vendor Cash Requirements Report. The Status column on the Vendor/Invoice Selection screen in Vendor Cash Requirements Report shows the status of each record after it has been modified in Vendor Edit Payment Selection Entry. The Vendor Cash Requirements Report creates a record for each invoice along with a "flag" indicating whether each should be paid now, in the future, or is disputed. When you are ready to pay invoices, you specify the Job Name from the existing Vendor Cash Requirements Report. Using the same parameters ensures that the Vendor Entry Pay Invoices Due Report generates the same results as obtained with the Vendor Cash Requirements Report and Vendor Edit Payment Selection Entry. After you process the Vendor Entry Pay Invoices Due Report using the Vendor Cash Requirements Report stored report, the Vendor Cash Requirements Report stored report is deleted.
This is the recommended work flow:
- Run the Vendor Cash Requirements Report. This report recommends which invoices should be paid. Store this report with a job name.
- Determine which items on the report are to be paid.
- Run Vendor Edit Payment Selection Entry for the stored report and make any changes to the status on particular items (current/future/disputed).
- Run the Vendor Entry Pay Invoices Due Report for the stored report to update all applicable Accounts Payable files.
- Run the Vendor Entry Check Print Report for the Vendor Entry Pay Invoices Due Report journal number to generate checks for those items with a current status.