Vendor Inquiry - General overview
Use this page to view vendor and balance information.
Period Balances are available, displayed as both a bar chart and a hyperlink list. You can change the view, based on Duration or Dates. The data displayed provides a quick view of accounts payable aging (essentially, what you are due to pay a specific vendor). The data is calculated based on the Sched Payment and Misc Credit transaction types. Click a hyperlink list to access the Transactions tab, which displays the transactions that are linked to this aging period. You can set the aging periods in SA Administrator Options-Vendors-Balances-Inquiry Aging Periods. If you do not define periods, the default uses 30/30/30/30.
The balance information is taken from the Maintain Vendor Balances window. If the vendor you specify has a disputed field selected in Vendor Setup, DISPUTED appears to the right of the vendor name.
Balances are posted through Vendor Invoice Center Entry, so they can create an audit trail.
If the vendor uses foreign currency, all values other than domestic balances are expressed in the currency of the vendor. Conversions are automatically calculated by the system for General Ledger and reporting purposes.