Vendor Entry Group EDI Invoice Processing Report overview
Function acronym: APEGE
Use this report to process vendor invoices that are received through the EDI 810 Invoice documents into accounts payable group files.
To receive an EDI 810 from a vendor, the vendor must have a Vendor Setup record. The value in the Trading Partner field on the eCommerce view is used to identify the EDI trading partner.
If the National Program functionality is enabled, that vendor must also have a valid Customer Setup record that is specified as a claims vendor. The EDI 810 Invoice document contains a Vendor Claim # as part of the workflow for National Program functionality. When you run the Vendor Entry Group Update/Reconcile Invoices Report, the claim or order is found and updated by Accounts Payable matching.
Before you can receive EDI transactions, you must set up a group for the EDI invoices in Vendor Entry Invoice Group Setup. Security on the group is established in the same manner as any other group.
See Setting up an invoice group.
When the Vendor Entry Group EDI Invoice Processing Report is processed in update mode, the group files, such as transaction, addon, and costing, are updated. If an error occurs, all the records for that invoice are written to an error file (excdat). The data in the file is in the same format as a .dat file. The last line on the Vendor Entry Group EDI Invoice Processing Report displays the name of the file, for example, excdat_040115_12:46. The name includes the date and time the report was run. You can access the file to manually enter transactions that were not updated. You can also copy the file to the .dat file (edi810-i.dat), make the corrections, and reprocess the Vendor Entry Group EDI Invoice Processing Report.
PO addons on inbound vendor invoices can be expensed or capitalized. If Include Addons for Post to G/L by in SA Administration Options-Products-Costs is not selected, then all PO addons are expensed. If Include Addons is selected, PO addons are expense or capitalized, based on Vendor Default Setup records.
See the Infor Distribution SX.e Setup and Administration Guide for EDI.
Run the Vendor Entry Group Update/Reconcile Invoices Report to update Accounts Payable and Purchase Order files.
If a ship from is set up on the Vendor Setup record, the Vendor Entry Group Update/Reconcile Invoices Report updates Vendor Ship From Setup. If a ship from is not specified, Vendor Setup is updated.
You can prevent the automatic payments of invoices when you run this report.
See Prevent automatic payment of invoices in Vendor Group EDI Invoice Processing.