Vendor Invoice Center Entry overview
Function acronym: APECE
Use this function to enter trade or expense invoices without immediately updating vendor and General Ledger files in the system. You can also use this function to enter accounts payable invoices tied to purchase orders that are not yet received, and to update groups.
Vendor Invoice Center Entry is used to record vendor invoices due for payment, either trade, expense, or for PO addon charges. Invoices are entered in groups stored in a temporary file, enabling you to update your master vendor and General Ledger files at your convenience. Master file updating can be scheduled to occur when you are prepared to process payments to your vendors.
For processing vendor invoices tied to purchase orders, the system can be set up with predefined tolerance levels so that POs are costed in an automated fashion. You can also define controls that expedite the process of costing purchase orders in the Entry Defaults window.
You can also use Vendor Invoice Center Entry to manually enter expenses and then immediately post the transaction to your Accounts Payable and General Ledger accounts. These invoices are also created in a group that you have set up in Vendor Entry Invoice Group Setup.
When you’re ready to perform Final Update, you have the option of performing that function in Vendor Invoice Center Entry, or by running Vendor Entry Group Update Report on demand or as a stored report.
Click this option to maintain an existing invoice. You are taken to the Invoice Detail Update screen.
You must have security to change records for Vendor Invoice Center Entry in SA Operator Setup-Function Security in order to select this option.
Click this option to delete one or more selected vendor invoices.
You must have security to add records for Vendor Invoice Center Entry in SA Operator Setup-Function Security in order to select this option.
Select this option to view any errors that occurred. Errors are displayed if the quantity, line, or invoice tolerance amounts are out of tolerance. Tolerance levels and the minimum invoice variance amount are set at the system, company-wide level in SA Administrator Options-Vendors-Receiving. You can also define tolerances at the vendor level in Vendor Setup-Reconcile.
If an invoice encountered errors, the Status Message column displays the type of error: Update or Reconciliation.
Select this option to override all tolerances on the entire transaction. You can override any tolerance levels set and accept what you have entered at the invoice or purchase order line level.
Tolerance levels and the minimum invoice variance amount are set at the system, company-wide level in SA Administrator Options-Vendors-Receiving. You can also define tolerances at the vendor level in Vendor Setup-Reconcile.
Note: You can also override tolerance levels for an entire group of invoices during the update and reconciliation process if the Allow User to Override Update Tolerances option in SA Operator Setup-Controls is set to Yes.
- Don't Override Tolerances
- Dispute
- Un-Dispute
- Suspend
- Un-Suspend
- Validate
- Final Update
- Export to Excel