SA Administrator Options - System - Report Items overview
Use this page to modify standard reports and to set up the specifications and defaults for custom reports.
Infor provides all report setups that you require in the system. This view contains the specifications needed to process the reports. When a report option is selected through a system module, the system loads the defaults contained in this record. You can modify the defaults, such as the option name titles, to fit your company's requirements.
If your company designs custom reports, you can also set up the specifications and defaults for custom reports. Each report record that is set up applies to all companies in the system. They are not company-specific. Any custom reports that are developed are available in all companies in a multi-company environment.
If you have any questions before modifying existing records or implementing custom reports, contact your Infor support representative. Do not change the report defaults on a frequent basis. If a report has common parameters that you use frequently, store the report with those parameters instead of changing the default options here. Each report can contain a maximum of 20 ranges and options.
The degree to which you make adjustments to the report defaults depends on your technical involvement with the system. Most users only want to adjust cosmetic or operational information, such as the report title, print options, and option default values.