SA Administrator Options - System - Menu Items overview

System Administrator > Administration > Administrator Options > System > Menu Items

Use this page to add and change setups, menus, reports, entry, and administrative functions.

Infor provides all menu setups that you require in the system. All functions and reports that you can access in the system are set up through this function. You can specify the function acronym in the Address field in the menu bar to access a function.

You can create custom menus of standard system functions for control, security, and ease of use. Create custom menus for operators that use fewer than 10 functions. You may also want to list any customized functions that are used within the standard system.

Do not change any standard system functions without first contacting your Infor Integration Support Representative.

A menu control record for each function is contained in the system. If you modify the system with additional functions, add those functions to the menu control records to use the selection feature. Changes you make take effect immediately unless there is a program change involved. In that case, you must log out to clear the old code from memory and then log back in using the new menu program. Each menu record applies to all companies set up in the system. They are not company-specific. Therefore, any custom menus are available in all companies in a multi-company environment.