SA Administrator Options - Sales History - Levels overview
Use this page to indicate the type of sales history information to store.
The option are critical for report functions to work correctly. The information you retrieve depends on the way it is stored and the level of detail that is kept. Because these options affect database size, select only the options necessary. Conversely, if you run a report that uses that a type of file that you do not store, an error message is displayed.
For example, you originally recorded sales by customer, but not by ship to location. Reports that are based on this information reflect a combined total of all ship to locations. You cannot break the sales by ship to locations to obtain more detail. If you decide to store customer sales by ship to location, select the by Ship To option. From that day forward, invoiced orders are stored by ship to location, but sales recorded before the day you changed the option are only stored by customer.
Customer, vendor, and product records contain fields for updating Sales Manager. If you set any record to not update Sales Manager, you cannot use any of the Sales Manager reports for balancing purposes. If, for any reason, you do not want a specific customer to update Sales Manager, change the Update SM option on the customer’s Customer Setup record. The customer’s purchases are not included in customer totals, product category by customer, or warehouse/product by customer.
The product category and warehouse/product totals are updated because this option only controls the customer totals. The reports you process are limited to product sales and you cannot analyze product sales by customer. Vendor purchases update records similarly when the Vendor Setup Sales Mgr is selected. You can specify a warehouse product that you do not want to update Sales Manager records.
Select the files that will store information. In Sales Entry Processing Invoice Processing Report the files listed in the tables, the total stored, and the system file where total is stored are automatically set up.
Information must be stored for the Inquiry and Report functions to work properly. For example, the SM Extended Product Category Sales History Report uses stored SM Setup Extended Product Category by Customer Totals information. If the SM Setup Extended Product Category by Customer Totals Store option is not selected, SM Extended Product Category Sales History Report cannot function correctly because data required for the report was not stored. The store option files and their dependent reports are listed below.
Use the Store options to select how much detail is stored by Sales Manager. For example, you can select the by Ship To option for SM Setup Customer Totals and store the information for each customer by ship to. If the option is not selected, the Customer Totals reflect a combined total of all ship tos. There is no access to information for individual ship tos. Any function that uses customer information provides the option of separating it by ship to. Any function that uses product or product category information provides the option of separating it by warehouse. Any function that uses both product or product category information and customer information provides the option of separating it by ship to and warehouse.
You can also store sales history for nonstock products, kit components, and to include whole order discounts in the totals.