SA Administrator Options - Financials overview
Use this page to review configuration information, including change records and installation notes, for the Financials administration options. Read all installation notes before making changes.
Use the Financials pages to specify parameters for the valid fiscal codes, periods, and dates to be used throughout the fiscal year. The functions range from one-time setups to those requiring periodic attention. Each function has specific effects on General Ledger files. Read carefully before you execute them.
Only the system administrator or operators with the correct security should set up or change the options in this window.
Additionally, you can set up the Retained Earnings and Clearing account codes here for use during profit distribution. GL Administrator Distribute Profit is designed so profit can be distributed on a period, quarterly, or yearly basis. Because the account code period amounts from GL Accounts Setup are not accumulating amounts, perform GL Administrator Distribute Profit as many times as needed. If profit was previously posted to these accounts, the amounts are reversed and the new profit is posted.