Extended shipping instructions
To provide shipping instructions for packing and shipping clerks with instructions, use the Extended Shipping Instructions field in Customer, Sales, Purchase, and Transfer functions.
You can set up default extended shipping instructions in the Order Entry section of Customer Setup-Ordering and Customer Ship To Setup-Ordering. The extended shipping instructions specified on a customer or ship to record updates the corresponding field in Customer Order Setting when you create an order in Sales Order Entry. You can override the default instructions.
If you create a direct purchase order or a direct warehouse transfer in Sales Order Entry, the extended shipping instructions are included on these documents. You can override the extended shipping instructions for the source documents in Purchase Order Settings in Purchase Order Entry or Transfer Order Settings in Transfer Entry.
Similarly, the extended shipping instructions specified on a blanket order in Sales Order Entry are included on blanket releases created in Sales Blanket Release Entry, but can be overridden. The Extended Shipping Instructions field is in the Shipping section on the Header view.
If you do not set up default extended shipping instructions, you can specify extended shipping instructions in Sales Order Entry and Sales Blanket Release Entry. You can also use the Extended Shipping Instructions field to communicate your shipping instructions to the vendor or warehouse on purchase orders or warehouse transfers.
In addition to sales, purchase, and transfer entry windows, the extended shipping instructions can be viewed in the Header section of Sales Order Inquiry, Purchase Order Inquiry, and Transfer Inquiry.
The extended shipping instructions are included in applicable shipping interface non-TWL calls, and on these reports:
- Purchase Entry Processing Print POs Report
- Sales Entry Processing Pick Tickets Report
- Transfer Entry Print Warehouse Transfer Report
- Purchase, Sales, and Transfer Master List Reports