SA Administrator Inactive Product Removal Report ranges and options
- Delete Inactive Products?
Select Yes to delete inactive products. Products are deleted if their status is inactive and their balances in Product Warehouse Product Setup are zero.
Products become inactive through one of these methods:
- Inactive is selected in the Status field in Product Setup
- They were inactivated by this report by selecting Yes for the Inactivate Products With No Activity option
If a product is deleted, related records in these functions are deleted:
- Product Setup, including notes
- Product Unavailable Inventory Entry, including lot and serial transaction files
- Product Extended Unit Conversion Setup
- Product Warehouse Product Setup, including usage
- Product Extended Product Cross Reference Setup
- Product Extended Lot Number Setup
- Product Extended Serial Number Setup
- PD Pricing Setup, customer pricing and rebate records
- KP Kit Setup
- SM Setup Warehouse/Product Totals, character version only
- SM Setup Extended Warehouse/Product by Customer Totals, character version only
- SM Setup Extended Hazardous Totals, character version only
- SA Setup Change Balances, character version only
- Inactivate Products With No Activity
Select Yes to inactivate products that meet one of these conditions:
- Has a status of Active, Labor, or Superseded, but show no activity
- Is a new product that was entered in Product Setup after the value in the # of Days Since Last Activity option
These dates are used determine if the product can be inactivated:
- Last receipt date and the last invoice date on the Product Warehouse Product Setup record
- Entered date on the Product Setup record
The product is not inactivated if these conditions are met:
- The dates fall within the number of days since last activity.
- These Product Warehouse Product Setup balances are not
- On hand
- Reserved
- Committed
- Back order
- On order
- Received
- Unavailable
- WT in transit
- WT ship requests
- WT receive requests
- WT demand
Select No to prevent active products with no activity from being inactivated. These products are not included on the report.
- # of Days Since Last Activity
Specify the number of days that a product can be inactive before it is considered for inactivation. The product record’s entry date is used to determine if the record gets inactivated.
This field is required if you specify Yes for the Delete Inactive Products or Inactivate Products With No Activity option. If this field is blank or zero, products are not deleted or inactivated.
The default value is 180 days, which should prevent new product records from being inactivated.
- SL Update Date Older Than
To use the Supplier Link (SL) date to determine record deletion, specify a date. The product record must meet the dates for this option and the No Activity Since option before it is deleted.
- Print (I)nactivated (D)eleted (B)oth (N)one
Specify I to include only those records that were inactivated by this report.
Specify D to include only those records that were deleted by this report.
Specify B to include both inactivated and deleted records.
Specify N to exclude inactivated and deleted records.
The product number and action that is taken for each record is included on the report. If the product is a component of a kit, the kit name is also included.
- Print Exceptions?
- Select Yes to include the products that may have an inactive status, or no activity within the specified number of days. These products do not qualify for inactivation or deletion, but are included for your information.
- OAN-N)S, OAN-S)tk, B)oth OANs, or A)ll
This option is used to inactivate or delete products that meet these conditions:
- Inactive status in Product Setup
- Order As Needed (OAN) status or Order As Needed-Nonstock (OAN-NS) status in Product Warehouse Product Setup
Specify N to include OAN records in the report.
Specify S to include OAN-NS records in the report.
Specify B to include OAN and OAN-NS records in the report.
Specify A to include all Product Setup and Product Warehouse Product Setup records, regardless of their status.
Records with a quantity on hand or any open transactions are not inactivated or deleted. If a product is inactive and has more than one Product Warehouse Product Setup record, the status on all product warehouse records must match. For example, the status must be OAN on all records or OAN-NS on all records. If the statuses do not match, the product record is not deleted. An exception error is included on the report. Review the warehouse product records that are not OAN or OAN-NS. Determine if you can change the status to OAN or OAN-NS so the records can be inactivated or deleted by this report. Alternatively, you can manually inactivate the Product Setup records.