PD Rebates Master List Report ranges and options


Print (V)endor, (C)ust, or (B)oth Rebates

Specify V to print only vendor rebates.

Specify C to print only customer rebates.

Specify B to print both rebate types.

Print (D)rop Ship, (W)hse, or (B)oth Rebates

Specify D to print rebates with a shipment type of drop ship from the vendor.

Specify W to print rebates with a warehouse shipment type.

Specify B to print all shipment types.

Include Level 1 Records?
Select Yes to include Level 1 Product records on the report.
Include Level 2 Records?
Select Yes to include Level 2 Rebate Type records on the report.
Include Level 3 Records?
Select Yes to include Level 3 Product Price Type records on the report.
Include Level 4 Records?
Select Yes to include Level 4 Product Line records on the report.
Include Level 5 Records?
Select Yes to include Level 5 Product Category records on the report.