VA Product Defaults Setup - VA Assembly Segment Rules field descriptions

Fields are described in alphabetical order.

If Segment

Use this field to specify the conditions that activate the rule. You must specify this information:

  • Which segment(s) activate the rule. Specify the segment number (1-24).
  • The relationship to the segment value. Make a selection (for example, Is Equal To, Is Not Equal To)
  • The segment value
  • Additional relationships. Select And or Or and specify the additional conditions.
If the rule fails what message should be displayed to the operator?

Specify an error message to display if the rule’s parameters are not met.

Rule Sequence #

Displays the sequence number of the rule. Click the lookup button to select a different rule sequence number.

Then this segment must equal one of the values

Specify the value that the segment must have under the conditions of the rule.