WM Bin Product Inquiry field descriptions
Product Bin Locations grid
- Bin Location
Lists the bin locations for all bins containing this product. Locations are listed in order of the Last Stored date from the WM Bin Location and Product Setup record. Click the bin location link to advance to the WM Bin Inquiry inquiry.
- Assigned
Shows this bin's assignment, as specified in WM Bin Location and Product Setup, such as Primary, Alternate, Staging, Single, and Open. Unavailable bins contain products that are unavailable for use, for example, products waiting to be returned to the vendor.
- Available
The Available quantity is the quantity on hand, minus the quantity committed from WM Bin Location and Product Setup.
- Last and First Store
These dates reflect the last and first date this product was stored in the corresponding bin.
- Last Pick
This date reflects the last date this product was picked from the listed bin.
- Status
The status code is specified during set up in WM Bin Location and Product Setup. A status of Available means the bin is available to receive products. After a product has been put into a bin, the status changes to In Service (InUse). Inactive status indicates a bin is temporarily unavailable for service, such as for repairs, and prevents products from being stored there until repairs are completed. A status of Staging is automatically assigned when the Assignment is Staging.
- Replenish
Click the Replenish link to advance to WM Replenishment Status Inquiry.