Last Used Date
When a customer pricing record in PD Pricing Setup is used to provide a calculated price in an inquiry or entry function, the Last Used Date is updated on the pricing record. The price can be the system-calculated price or a promotional price. You can use the Last Used Date to filter pricing records in Sales Customer Pricing Inquiry.
You can run the PD Administrator Remove/Inactivate Customer Price Report to review pricing records based on Last Used Date, and then remove or inactivate them. This function can also be used to review records without an End Date. If you run the report to inactivate pricing records based on the Last Used Date or Start Date, and the system finds records that qualify with a blank End Date, it updates the End Date on those records with the current date. After these pricing records are updated with an End Date, you can re-run the PD Administrator Remove/Inactivate Customer Price Report with Remove Inactivated Pricing Records set to Yes, and specify a date for Remove Records up to Ending Date.