Product Core Inquiry - Master field descriptions

Fields are presented in alphabetical order.

Claim #

The number of the document that claims reimbursement from the vendor for parts and labor used to repair a product under warranty.

Component #

The sequence number of the kit component.

Core Charge

The line item price for an implied core charge on a purchase order or customer order. When the vendor charges for cores, the SA Administrator Options - Products - Costs - Core Cost Assignments Cost Used for Vendor PO Cost on Implied/Dirty Cores, Vendor Core Chg Yes option is used when you enter a purchase order. If the vendor does not charge for cores, zero is used as the cost when the purchase order is created.

Core Product

The dirty core product for a remanufactured line that is assigned in Product Setup when the transaction occurred. This field is blank for a line that contains a dirty core product.

Core Product Notes

If notes exist on the core product, a symbol appears. Use the Infor Ming.le Notes Webpart to work with notes.

See Notes.

Core Value

The market value of a dirty or implied core charge. The value defaults from the SA Administrator Options - Products - Costs - Core Cost Assignments Cost Used for Market Cost on Implied/Dirty Cores option when you enter a dirty core on a Return Merchandise (RM) order as a core buy or enter a remanufactured core product on a sales order. When you receive a purchase order that contains a dirty or implied core charge, the market value of the product updates inventory. On a core return, the implied core market cost for the journal posting is from the ICEAM record to which the dirty core return is allocated.

Customer #

Contains the Order Entry customer or the PO/WT customer for tied orders.

Customer Notes

If notes exist on the customer record, a symbol appears. Use the Infor Ming.leNotes Webpart to work with notes.

See Notes.

Expire Date

The last date the vendor will accept the dirty core product. This date is recalculated during Purchase Receipt of Inventory Entry, Vendor Maintain Transaction Entry, or Vendor Entry Batch Update Report.

Date is based on the actual receipt date or invoice date from costing, plus the vendor core grace period from Product Setup or SA Administrator Options - Products - Cores.

Implied Line #

The line number of the implied core charge.

Implied Product

The implied core charge of a line that contains a remanufactured core product. This field is blank for a line that contains a dirty core product.

Implied Product Notes

If notes exist on the implied core product, a symbol appears. Use the Infor Ming.leNotes context application to work with notes.

See Notes.

Implied Quantity

The number of implied core charges.

Invoice Date

The date the order is invoiced or the purchase order is received.

Manual Adjustment

Indicates whether the record was manually adjusted.

Manual Date

The date the last manual adjustment was made to this record.

Manual Operator

The operator that made the last manual adjustment to this record.

Manual Time

The time the last manual adjustment was made to this record.

Order #

The number of the customer order, purchase order, or warehouse transfer.

(Order) Line #

The line number of the order that contains the core product.

Order Notes

If notes exist on the order, a symbol appears. Use the Infor Ming.le Infor Ming.le Notes context application to work with notes.

See Notes.

Original Product

The remanufactured or dirty core product on the line item.

Original Product Notes

If notes exist on the product record, a symbol appears. Use the Infor Ming.le Notes context application to work with notes.

See Notes.


Identifies the primary failed part from Service Warranty.


Displays one of the following:

  • quantity received on a purchase order
  • quantity shipped on a customer order
  • quantity shipped and received on a warehouse transfer.

Return lines appear as negative quantities.

This field tracks the number of implied items that were actually sold or purchased not the calculated quantity of remanufactured cores times the Implied Qty on the Product Setup record.

Quantity Allocated

The core quantity for a remanufactured line that has been allocated for return by a customer to you, or from you to the vendor. When this quantity equals the Qty field, allocation is not allowed.

This field tracks the number of implied items that were actually allocated not the calculated quantity of remanufactured cores times the Implied Quantity on the Product Setup record.

Reman PO Price

This value is only recorded for purchase orders. This is the cost of the remanufactured core product that the vendor charges you. This is valued any time the remanufactured item is entered on a purchase order during entry or receiving. It defaults to the cost selected in SA Administrator Options - Products - Cores according to the Vendor Core Charge field on the Product Lines Setup record.


The suffix of the customer order, purchase order, or warehouse transfer.


The Service Repair Order (SRO) number from Service Warranty.

(SRO) Line #

The line number of the implied core charge on the Service Repair Order (SRO).

SRO Suffix

The Service Repair Order (SRO) suffix number from Service Warranty.


Indicates whether the transaction is open or closed and is used on reports.


The order type identifies the module that created the record. This field gives you options for selecting Sales, Purchase, or Transfer. If you leave this blank, all order types with qualifying information appear.

Vendor #

The vendor on the purchase order or the order entry line.

Vendor Notes

If notes exist on the vendor record, a symbol appears. Use the Infor Ming.le context application to work with notes.

See Notes.


The warehouse on the purchase order or customer order, or the ship-from warehouse on a warehouse transfer.

Warranty Quantity

The quantity under warranty from sales orders created by Service Warranty when the core product is the primary failed part (PFP).

This field tracks the number of implied items that were actually under warranty not the calculated quantity of remanufactured cores times the Implied Quantity on the Product Setup record.