Sales Exceptions Report ranges and options


Print If Order Profit Mar < What Margin

This option works with other options to limit the qualifying items. Specify a margin figure to be validated against the actual profit margin of each order. If a margin is less than the margin specified for this option, the order is considered an exception. You can review the order and increase your profit level appropriately.

The gross margin amount is calculated based on all line items. If an order discount was automatically calculated from a PD Whole Order Discount Setup record or a PD Special Price Type Discount Setup, it is reflected in the gross margin. Similarly, if the order contains return lines, the margin will be lower.

Gross margin is calculated as:

Total Line Gross Amount

- Total Line Discount Amount

- Total Line Cost Amount = Gross Margin

- Order Discount (Whole Order)

- Special Discount

The gross margin percentage is determined based on the setting (Cost or Net) for the To Calculate Margin %, Divide by option in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Sales Orders-Processing. You can calculate the margin percentage based on the total line net amount or the total line cost amount. The gross margin is divided by one of the amounts to yield the margin percentage.

Vendor and customer rebates are considered when the margin and margin percentage values for an order are calculated. Both types of rebates are included in the totals section at the end of the report. All margin exceptions are compared against the rebated margin value. The letter r is displayed to the right of Margin % in the report to indicate that the margin and margin percentage values include rebates in the total.

Customer and vendor rebates are included in the margin calculation unless the Subtract Customer Rebate from Price or Subtract Vendor Rebate from Cost options in SA Administrator Options-Sales History-Rebates/Base are not selected. If a customer or vendor rebate is used, the letter r is displayed on the Exceptions Report next to the Margin %. In this case, the letter r is not displayed next to the Margin % on the Totals by Order Type page because these totals may be derived from many orders, not all containing rebates.

If the View Costs field in SA Operator Setup is No, then calculations are not performed and the margin defaults to zero. This is compared to the specified amount on the option.

(O)pen or (S)uspended Orders or (B)oth

Specify O to review open orders. This may include orders that were left open due to a power failure, operator error, or orders that are currently being entered. The last transaction date and time the order was updated is displayed under each order detail line if this exception is printed. The Print if Order Profit Margin < What Margin? exception setting overrides this exception and prints only those orders with less than the margin specified.

Specify S to print suspended counter sales under the Suspended Orders heading. Suspended orders are not included under the Open OE Orders heading until they are unsuspended.

Orders with Write-Off Amounts

Rounding differences may occur on an order when percentages are used to calculate taxes, discounts, addons, or if the order is paid in full based on the ordered amount and a back order or release is created.

For example, suppose you have a customer with the following order totals:

Order Total: $279.42

Tax at 1%: $2.79

Total: $282.21

If a back order is created for half of the total amount, the following will result:

Order Total: $139.71

Tax at 1%: $1.40

Total: $141.11

The taxes on the original order equal $1.40, on the back order, $1.40. The customer owes $.01 on the back order, even though he has paid the full amount of the original order.

When these rounding errors occur, you can write off the difference by specifying the write-off amount limit in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Sales Orders.

Select Yes to include any orders that contain a write-off amount on the exception report.

Customer Credit Exceeded?

Select Yes to print the orders that caused the customer to exceed their credit limit. The Order Amount Due is added to the customer's On Order Balance to determine if the credit limit has been exceeded.

If an order was placed on credit hold when the order was entered in Sales Order Entry, an exception is printed if this option is Yes, even if the order is no longer on hold.

(T)rms, (W)O Dsc, Ta(X) (A)ll or (N)one

Specify T to include terms that were manually overridden on the Header view in Sales Order Entry. The orders terms initially default from Customer Setup.

Specify W to include whole order discounts that were manually overridden. The whole order discount is calculated based on the total line item net amounts and is automatically determined through a pricing routine in PD Whole Order Discount Setup. The whole order discount is displayed on the Taxes and Totals view.

Specify X to include taxes that were manually overridden.

Specify A to print all of these exceptions.

Specify N to not print any of these exceptions.

Order Amount < Required Order Minimum?

Each customer may be required to purchase a minimum amount before the system accepts an order. Select Yes to include any order that does not meet the order minimum specified on the Customer Setup record. Correction (CR) and Return Merchandise (RM) orders are not included.

Order Amount > Required Order Maximum?

Select Yes to include any order that exceeds the order amount maximum specified on the Customer Setup record. Correction (CR) and Return Merchandise (RM) orders are not included.

Addon Overridden?

Select Yes to include any manually overridden addons.

Price or Discount Overridden?

Select Yes to include any line items with a manually overridden price. The price is considered as changed if you manually override it, use the Previous Pricing option, copy the order, or override the discount amount. This option does not include nonstock items.

Line Shipped After Promise Date

This option relates to the Just in Time order disposition.

Select Yes to review any order with a Just in Time disposition that has lines that were shipped after the promised date.

This exception message is tied to the header if the order disposition is other than Just in Time and is tied to the line item if the order is Just in Time.

Cost Overridden?

Select Yes to print those line items where the cost has been manually overridden.

The cost is considered overridden if you manually override it, or the price is overridden according to the conditions specified in the Price or Discount Overridden option. This option does not include nonstock items.

Net Amount < Net Cost?

If the price minus the discount is less than the cost of the product, an exception exists. Whole Order Discounts, Special Discounts, and returned Core Charges are subtracted from the line total before the calculation is done. This situation may have been an authorized sale, or it may be an exception that you want to correct quickly.

Select Yes to include these exceptions.

The Calculate Margin %, Divide by option setting (Cost or Net) in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Sales Orders-Processing determines the figures that are used to calculate the margin. The information that is displayed for this exception is identical to the Net, Cost, and Margin fields on the line item's Extended view.

Item Profit Margin Beyond Defined Limits

In SA Table Code Value Setup, you can specify a minimum and maximum acceptable margin percentage on all products associated with a specific product price type. If an item's profit margin is less than the desired minimum level or greater than the maximum level, a message is displayed during Sales Order Entry and is printed on the Exception Report, if you select Yes to this option.

Returned core charges are excluded.

When the Exception Report is generated, the profit margin for each line item is recalculated. This formula is used, depending on the order status:

Net Amount - Cost Amount = Margin Amount

Margin Amount / Net Amount* = Margin %

*Margin is divided by Net Amount or Cost Amount, depending on the To Calculate Margin %, Divide by option setting (Cost or Net) in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Sales Orders-Processing.

If the shipped quantity is zero, net and cost amounts are calculated based on the quantity ordered, otherwise they are calculated based on the quantity shipped.

Customer and vendor rebates are included in the margin calculation unless the Subtract Customer Rebate from Price or Subtract Vendor Rebate from Cost options in SA Administrator Options-Sales History-Rebates/Basis options are No. If a customer or vendor rebate is used, the letter r is displayed on the Exceptions Report next to the Margin %. The letter r is not displayed next to the Margin % on the Totals by Order Type page because these totals may be derived from many orders, not all containing rebates.

If there is no valid price type set up for the product, the Blank Price Type from SA Table Code Value Setup is used when verifying minimum and maximum margin limits.

Note: If you change the minimum or maximum margin for the Product Price Type in SA Table Code Value Setup, rerun the Exceptions Report and the margins are recalculated.
Non Stock Item Returned

If a nonstock product is returned, an exception exists. Select Yes to identify and manually handle the nonstock returned item.

Qty Shipped Overridden

Select Yes to include those line items where the quantity shipped was overridden during order entry. The override would refer to either an increase or decrease in the Quantity Shipped field. In the case of an increase in the quantity shipped, the On Hand would display as a negative amount. Because the On Hand cannot be a negative amount, an adjustment transaction is written to Inventory Control during the Sales Entry Processing Invoice Processing Report to reflect that you sold more than the quantity available. The product for which this occurs is also flagged for the next physical count.

This option does not include special or nonstock items or returned core charges.

Qty Shipped < Qty Ordered
Select Yes to print those line items where the quantity shipped is less than the quantity ordered. This may be an indication you are not carrying sufficient stock quantities for this product if you consistently have stockout situations. You may also be overriding or decreasing the quantity shipped during order entry. The quantity shipped that is less than quantity ordered figure does not include:
  • BL, FO, ST, or QU orders
  • Direct Orders with a stage less than Stage 2
  • Picked and quantity shipped of 0
  • Back orders with a stage less than Stage 2, (Picked) and quantity shipped of 0
  • Special and nonstock items
  • Returned core charges
No Arp Vendor/Arp Whse for Non-Stock

Select Yes to include any nonstock product with no ARP Warehouse or ARP Vendor assigned on the Nonstock window in Sales Order Entry.

Catalog Item Added as Order as Needed

If an operator is able to create product records (the Allow Catalog Stocking in OE option in SA Operator Setup is selected), a catalog product may be converted to a stocked product on a Sales Order Entry line. This is considered an exception, which should be reviewed by the purchasing department to approve the addition of the records. Select Yes to include these exceptions.

Erroneous PO/WT Ties

Line DOs are checked to confirm a purchase order or warehouse transfer is properly tied to the line. If not, an exception exists. If the tied purchase order or warehouse transfer is missing or does not exist, an exception is also printed.

Select Yes to include these exceptions.

If a line DO that is tied to a purchase order or warehouse transfer has been sent to lost business in Sales Order Entry, no exceptions are generated in Sales Exceptions Report. When the line is sent to lost business in Sales Order Entry, the line on the purchase order or warehouse transfer is also sent to lost business if the purchase order or warehouse transfer has not progressed past Stage 1 (Ordered).

If the purchase order or warehouse transfer has been printed, sending the Sales Order Entry line to lost business does not also send the purchase order or warehouse transfer line to lost business. A message is displayed in Sales Order Entry when designating the line as lost business, but an exception is not printed on the Sales Exceptions Report.

Totals Only

Select Yes to review this report in detail form. This report can be very long.

Select No to review this report in summary form.