EDI Entry Processing Contract Pricing Report ranges and option


The report does not include options.


(E)dit, (U)pdate, (B)oth, or (N)one

Specify E to create PD Mass Maintenance Entry records for transactions that contain no errors or detail-level errors.

Specify U to create or update PD Pricing Setup records.

Specify B to create PD Pricing Setup records for transactions with no errors and PD Mass Maintenance Entry records for transactions with detail-level errors.

Specify N to run the report in non-update mode to generate an exception report.

Printer for log

Specify a printer for the log file.

A log is a listing of the records as they were encountered during processing. If there is a problem, use the log to identify when the system stopped processing. Only the partner identifier and the first six characters of each record is included in the log file.

EDI Flat File Directory

Optionally, specify the directory in which to store the EDI flat files. This directory overrides the default EDI directory that is specified in SA Company Setup-Required.