EDI Entry Processing Contract Pricing Report ranges and option
The report does not include options.
- (E)dit, (U)pdate, (B)oth, or (N)one
Specify E to create PD Mass Maintenance Entry records for transactions that contain no errors or detail-level errors.
Specify U to create or update PD Pricing Setup records.
Specify B to create PD Pricing Setup records for transactions with no errors and PD Mass Maintenance Entry records for transactions with detail-level errors.
Specify N to run the report in non-update mode to generate an exception report.
- Printer for log
Specify a printer for the log file.
A log is a listing of the records as they were encountered during processing. If there is a problem, use the log to identify when the system stopped processing. Only the partner identifier and the first six characters of each record is included in the log file.
- EDI Flat File Directory
Optionally, specify the directory in which to store the EDI flat files. This directory overrides the default EDI directory that is specified in SA Company Setup-Required.