OT Admin Purge Tracking and Vessel Documents sample
This is a sample of the OT Admin Purge
Tracking and Vessel Documents output.
03/12/19 Wed 14:03 Company: 1000 Function: otap Operator: sys Page: 1
Overseas Trade Administrator Purge Tracking and Vessel Documents
Funct: otap Start Dt/Time: 03/12/19 2:03 PM Store As: 50901229 Group:
Ranges: Begin End
1 Tracking Number
1 Remove? If no, just print list. no
03/12/19 Wed 14:03 Company: 1000 Function: otap Operator: sys Page: 2
Overseas Trade Administrator Purge Tracking and Vessel Documents
Document Type Doc. Number Number of Lines
Tracking 1 3 Document Not Removed
Tracking 2 3 Document Not Removed
Vessel 1 0 Document Not Removed
Total Tracking Documents Removed: 0
Total Vessel Documents Removed : 0