Vendor Invoice Center Entry - PO Line Detail field descriptions
The proof amount of the invoice is the amount specified on the Vendor Invoice Center Entry-Invoice Detail window as the amount being invoiced by the vendor. As you cost each line on the purchase order, this proof is reduced by the net amount of the line item. A negative Invoice Proof value may exist if default addons were not included in the invoice amount but were entered in the Addons window. If invoiced addons should not be included on this purchase order, cancel your costing work and recost the purchase order, making sure to blank out all defaulted addon amounts on the Addons window.
- Close Partial Line
- Select this option to close the purchase order line when it has been partially costed and you do not expect to receive additional invoices for the line. This allows you to close the PO line even the PO Proof amount is greater than zero. This option is accessible if Allow Modification of Close Partially Costed POs is selected in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Purchase Orders-Accounting.
- Extended Supplier Warranty Allowance %
- If the product is included in a Supplier Warranty program for the vendor, the allowance percentage that is specified on the vendor's record is displayed. You can change the percentage for the line. If you change the percentage, the value in the Extended Supplier Warranty Allowance Amount and Net Amount with Supplier Warranty Allowance fields are updated.
- Extended Supplier Warranty Allowance Amount
- If the product is included in a Supplier Warranty program, the allowance amount for the line is displayed, based on the value in the Invoice Cost Quantity field. You can change the amount. If you change the amount, the value in the Extended Supplier Warranty Allowance % and Net Amount with Supplier Warranty Allowance fields are updated.
- Invoice Cost Quantity
- The quantity being costed on this invoice and not necessarily the amount received or ordered. This should equal the vendor invoice quantity. If you are adding a new line, specify the quantity of product for the line to be costed.
- Invoice Unit Cost
The Unit Cost is the cost of the product per unit and is always representative of the unit specified on the line in Purchase Order Entry. This should equal the vendor invoice amount. The Unit Cost is multiplied by the Cost Quantity to yield the Net Amount of the purchase order to be costed.
The cost defaults from the amount entered during Purchase Order Entry. If the price on the vendor’s invoice is different than the cost, override the Invoice Unit Cost to match the invoice. If you change the Invoice Unit Cost, the Net Amount and Order Total amounts are recalculated. The Proof totals are also adjusted.
If you are entering a new line, specify the cost per unit for the item to be costed.
Do not include any discount in this amount. Specify discounts on the PO Header Entry window and allocate them using the appropriate allocation method. If order discounts are not capitalized, the difference between the invoice amount and all line items costed can be posted to a GL account on the GL Distribution window when this transaction is completed.
- Line #
- The line number identifies the purchase order line you are currently working with. Specify a line number when you are adding a new line to the purchase order to be costed. You can only cost open line items. Open line items are those that have not been fully costed and reconciled. If any lines on the purchase order have been costed, they are deducted from the Uncosted quantity and amount.
- Manual Allocation
- If there are addons for this purchase order and they are to be manually distributed, click the button to allocate the addon amounts to this line item.
- Net Amount
- The amount specified on the Invoice Detail window is displayed.
- Override Tolerances
- Select this option if you want to override the tolerances for this line item during purchase order reconciliation. If you select this option, you are only overriding tolerances for this specific line item. To override tolerances for the entire purchase order, you can select the Invoice Detail window. You can also select individual tolerances to override for the entire invoice during the Final Update process. e option on the
- Product
- The product number for the line. If you are adding a new line, specify the product number you want to cost.
- Product Description
- The first product description from Product Setup is displayed, but can be overwritten.
- Product Description 2
- The second product description from Product Setup is displayed, but can be overwritten.
- Purchase Order #
- The purchase order from the PO Header Entry window is displayed.
- Serial
- This option is available if you are costing a line that contains a serial item. Select this option to access the Quick View window where you can assign a serial number.
- Update ICSEC Cost
This option is applicable if you are costing a PO for an alternate vendor product. Select this option if the vendor's price on the PO should update the Price field in Product Extended Product Cross Reference Setup.
Uncheck this option if the vendor's price is a one-time deal and you do not want the last price to be updated.
This option is not available unless the Allow Override of Last Cost Update in ICSEC option is selected in SA Administrator Options-Products-Costs.
- Vendor Product
- The vendor product number is displayed. If you are adding a new line, you can specify the vendor’s product number in this field to use as a cross-reference.